Environmental Technologies Industries
Environmental Technologies Industries
Chile Environmental Export Market Plan |
Appendix A
Summary of Environmental Project Opportunities in Chile
International Funding Source | Project Title | Project Financing
(US$ million) | Project Status | Executing Agency |
U.S. Trade and Development Agency | Feasibility studies for various projects | — | Evaluation of project opportunities currently in progress | — |
World Bank | Valparaiso Water Project II | 50 | In progress | ESVAL S.A. |
Inter-American Development Bank | Watershed Management Program | 25 | In project pipeline | National Forestry Corporation/ Ministry of Public Works |
| Santiago Sur Wastewater Treatment Plant | 175 | In bidding | EMOS S.A. |
| Zanjon de la Aguada Wastewater Treatment Plant | 97 | In planning stage | EMOS S.A. |
Appendix B
Key Local Contacts
The national and international banks operating in Chile do not have credit lines for clean technologies and environmental protection.
Comercio Exterior
Nueva York 33, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 679 5401
Fax: (56-2) 695 4728
Argentine Mercantile Bank
Alcantara 200, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 207 3307
Fax: (56-2) 207 7099
Bank of Argentina
Morande 223, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 671 2045
Fax: (56-2) 698 7341
Bank of Boston
Moneda 799, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 686 0000
Fax: (56-2) 686 0000
Bank of Brazil
Huérfanos 1269, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 698 1821
Fax: (56-2) 672 7421
Bank of Chile
International Business Division
Ahumada 251, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 637 2440
Fax: (56-2) 637 3434
Huérfanos 1234, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 679 1000
Fax: (56-2) 679 1350
Teatinos 220, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 692 2000
Fax: (56-2) 696 5324
Central Bank of Chile
Agustinas 1180, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 670 2000
Fax: (56-2) 697 2271
Chase Manhattan Bank
Moneda 1138, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 698 1776
Fax: (56-2) 698 1777
Chile Exterior Bank
Mac-Iver 225, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 639 4731
Fax: (56-2) 639 6095
Chilean State Bank
Av. Libertador O'Higgins 1111, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 670 7000
Fax: (56-2) 670 5711
Citibank, N.A.
Av. Andres Bello 2687, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 338 3000
Fax: (56-2) 338 3000
De A. Edwards Bank
Huérfanos 740, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 631 3000
Fax: (56-2) 631 4100
Development Bank
Av. Libertador O'Higgins 949, Piso 3, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 674 5000
Fax: (56-2) 671 5547
Dresdner Banque Nationales de Paris
Comercio Exterior
Huerfanos 1219, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 695 6338
Fax: (56-2) 671 3307
Ing Bank S.A.
Av. Nueva Tajamar 481, Torre Norte, Piso 17, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 330 0600
Fax: (56-2) 330 0600
Inter-American Development Bank
Av. Pedro de Valdicia 0193, Piso 11, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 231 7986
Fax: (56-2) 232 0484
International Bank
Moneda 818, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 638 3894
Fax: (56-2) 633 9134
Investment Credit Bank
World Trade Center
Av. Andres Bello 2607, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 692 9840
Fax: (56-2) 692 9859
National Republic Bank of New York
Huérfanos 1060, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 695 2002
Fax: (56-2) 696 1509
Real Bank S.A.
Teatinos 240, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 367 2100
Fax: (56-2) 367 2007
Royal Bank of Canada
Bandera 140, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 696 0414
Fax: (56-2) 661 8877
Santandar Bank of Chile
Bandera 140, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 696 0414
Fax: (56-2) 661 8000
Santiago Bank
Gerencia Internacional
Bandera 201, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 698 7945
Fax: (56-2) 698 9890
Security Bank
Agustinas 621, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 270 4000
Fax: (56-2) 270 4001
South America Bank
Comercio Exterior
Morande 226, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 692 6000
Fax: (56-2) 698 6000
Sudameris Bank
Comercio Exterior
Huérfanos 699, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 633 0286
Fax:(56-2) 639 6218
Swiss Union Bank
Av. El Bosque Norte 0177, Of. 1701, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 332 0198
Fax: (56-2) 332 0196
The Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi Ltd.
Av. El Bosque 130, Piso 11, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 203 1180
Fax: (56-2) 203 1190
Toronto-Dominion Bank
Nueva Tajamar 555, Piso 1401, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 339 7100
Fax: (56-2) 339 7100
Foundation for the European-Chilean Business Community (Fundación Empresarial Comunidad Europea-Chile - EUROCHILE)
Hernando de Aguirre 1549, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 204 9363
Fax: (56-2) 2741511
Contact: Jose Aravena, Executive Director
International Cooperation Agency of Chile (Agencia de Cooperación Internacional de Chile - AGCI)
Av. Providencia 1017, Piso 2, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 236 0840
Fax: (56-2) 235 6888
Contact: Ivan Meltens, Technical Advisor
International Cooperation Agency of Japan (Agencia de Cooperación Internacional del Japón - JICA)
Av. Andres Bello 2777, Piso 27, Of. 2701, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 203 3095
Fax: (56-2) 203 3094
Contact: Kazoo Ishii, Resident representative
International Cooperation Agency of Spain (Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional)
Av. Providencia 927, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 235 1116
Fax: (56-2) 235 5836
Contact: Antonio Torres-Dulce, Cooperation Advisor
International Cooperation Corporation (Corporación de Cooperación Internacional)
F. Fröebel 1776, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 341 3468
Fax: (56-2) 341 3469
Contact: Jose Manuel Riera, Executive Director
Area: International Cooperation representantive
Swedish Cooperation Agency (Agencia Sueca de Cooperación)
Av. 11 de Septiembre 2353, Torre San Ramon, Piso 4, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 231 2733
Fax: (56-2) 232 4188
Contact: Per Arnet, Representative
Swiss Cooperation Agency (Agencia Suiza de Cooperación)
Av. Providencia 2653, Of. 1602, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 232 2693
Fax: (56-2) 232 1872
Contact: Hans-Peter Erismann, Ambassador
Walter Suter, Advisor
United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (Naciones Unidas, Comisión Económica para America Latina y el Caribe - CEPAL)
Av. Hammarskjöld s/n, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 210 2000
Fax: (56-2) 2080252
Contact: Gert Rosenthal, Executive Secretary
Chamber of Commerce of Santiago (Cámara de Comercio de Santiago)
Santa Lucia 302, Pisos 1-2-3, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 360 7000
Fax: (56-2) 633 3395
Contact: Peter Hill, President
Chamber of Commerce of Spain (Cámara Oficial de Comercio Española de Chile)
Carmen Sylva 2306, Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 231 7160
Fax: (56-2) 233 5280
Contact: Luis Cid, President
Chilean-American Chamber of Commerce (Cámara Chileno-Norteamericana de Comercio - AMCHAM)
Av. Americo Vespucio Sur 80, Piso 9, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 208 4140
Fax: (56-2) 206 0911
Contact: Alex Fernandez, President
Chilean-Argentinian Chamber of Commerce (Cámara Chileno-Argentina de Comercio)
Huérfanos 1160, Of. 1002, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 672 0902
Fax: (56-2) 672 0902
Contact: Orlando Mercado, President
Chilean-Belgium Chamber of Commerce (Cámara Chileno-Belga de Comercio)
Av. Providencia 2594, Of. 312, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 231 1835
Fax: (56-2) 231 1835
Contact: Luis Cuevas, President
Chilean-Britain Chamber of Commerce (Cámara Chileno-Británica)
Av. Suecia 155-C, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 335 1762
Fax: (56-2) 231 8211
Contact: Alastair Hatdy, President
Chilean-Canadian Chamber of Commerce (Cámara Chileno-Canadiense de Comercio)
Los Estanques 9482, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 201 1571
Fax: (56-2) 201 1571
Contact: James Drake, President
Chilean-Colombian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (Cámara Chileno-Colombiana de Comercio e Industria)
General del Canto 105, Of. 601, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 235 1188
Fax: (56-2) 236 2108
Contact: Carlos Guerra, President
Chilean-Ecuadorian Chamber of Commerce (Cámara Chileno-Ecuatoriana de Comercio)
J.M. de la Barra 430, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 638 6469
Fax: (56-2) 638 1606
Contact: Roberto Cid, President
Chilean-French Chamber of Commerce (Cámara de Comercio Franco-Chilena)
M. Pereira 201, Of. 701, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 225 5548
Fax: (56-2) 225 5545
Contact: Vicente Caruz, President
Chilean-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (Cámara Chileno-Alemana de Comercio e Industria)
Av. El Bosque Norte 0440, Of. 601, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 203 5320
Fax: (56-2) 203 5325
Contact: Roberto Guijon, President
Chilean-Israeli Chamber of Commerce (Cámara Chileno-Israeli de Comercio)
E. Yanez 2342, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 274 0725
Fax: (56-2) 363 0587
Contact: Jorge Csaszar, President
Chilean-Swiss Chamber of Commerce (Cámara Chileno-Suiza de Comercio)
Av. Providencia 2653, Of. 610, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 232 1926
Fax: (56-2) 232 1926
Contact: Walter Schär, President
Italian Chamber of Commerce (Cámara de Comercio Italiana de Chile)
Av. Luis Thayer Ojeda 073, Piso 12, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 232 2618
Fax: (56-2) 233 0973
Contact: Lia Orsini, President
Japanese Chamber of Commerce (Cámara de Comercio Japonesa)
Alcantara 772, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 206 2128
Fax: (56-2) 206 2128
Contact: Kunihiko Yamaguchi, President
National Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism (Cámara Nacional de Comercio, Servicios y Turismo de Chile)
Merced 230, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 365 4000
Fax: (56-2) 365 4001
Contact: Alfonso Mujica, President
ABI Akustic Berlines Ingenieria S.A.
Exequiel Fernandez 248, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 269 0595
Fax: (56-2) 269 0096
Contact: Rafael Vera, General Manager
Area: Acoustic engineering
Aguasin Ltda.
Correo Central 3177l, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 270 9500
Fax: (56-2) 738 7684
Contact: Guillermo Niehaus, General Manager
Area: Industrial water treatment
Airolite S.A.
Av. Eduardo Frei M. 4521, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 776 4452
Fax: (56-2) 736 8418
Contact: Bernardo Trewik, General Manager
Area: Air filter systems
Alfa Laval Chile S.A.C.I.
San Sebastian 2839, Of. 401, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 233 5366
Fax: (56-2) 231 1906
Contact: Jens-Uwe Kiessling, General Manager
Area: Industrial wastewater treatment
Ambar S.A.
Av. Jose Pedro Alessandri 1495, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 238 8018
Fax: (56-2) 238 8578
Contact: Caludio Friedman, General Manager
Area: Environmental engineering
Ambiente Consultores
Presidente Riesco 2993, Depto. 104, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 232 8991
Fax: (56-2) 232 8991
Contact: Gabriela Armijo
Area: Acoustic environmental projects
Ambiente y Tecnologia Ltda.
Av. Marathon 2918, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 238 1604
Fax: (56-2) 239 7013
Contact: Carlos Saul, General Manager
Area: Environmental equipment
Ambiotec, Asesorias Ambientales S.A.
Etchevers 49, Of. 21, Viña del Mar, Chile
Tel: (56-32) 69 4201
Fax: (56-32) 88 3040
Contact: Fernando Alcazar, General Manager
Area: Environmental projects
Ambitec Ltda.
Lota 2230, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 234 3456
Fax: (56-2) 233 6557
Contact: Mariana Pizarro, General Manager
Area: Environmental equipment representation
AMG Bioingenieria Ltda.
Gaspar de la Barrera 3112, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 683 3247
Fax: (56-2) 683 6246
Contact: Hugo Gomez, General Manager
Area: Environmental projects
Aqua Calidad del Agua Ltda.
Almirante Latorre 548, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 697 2407
Fax: (56-2) 672 7001
Contact: Jorge Castillo, Engineering Manager
Area: Analytical laboratory, environmental engineering
Aqua Master Ltda.
El Roble 1033, Recoleta, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 621 4412
Fax: (56-2) 622 4494
Contact: Luis Alberto Gonzalez, General Manager
Area: Environmental equipment
Asquim Ltda.
San Dionisio 2668, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 683 6662
Fax: (56-2) 683 6662
Contact: Francisco Bosset, General Manager
Area: Environmental equipment, environmental engineering
Atlas Industries Chile S.A.
Hernando de Aguirre 1422, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 242 8047
Fax: (56-2) 205 9330
Contact: Camilo Avendaño, General Manager
Area: Environmental equipment representation
Austral Ltda.
Monitor Araucano 2, Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 737 3841
Fax: (56-2) 737 3841
Contact: Moises Rios
Area: Acoustic engineering
Babcock Chile S.A.
Las Americas 585, Maipu, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 557 9357
Fax: (56-2) 557 6509
Contact: Jaime Errazuriz
Area: Babcock Energy steam boiler representative
BAPA, Ingenieria del Medio Ambiente, Ltda.
Av. Manquehue Norte 1838, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 219 3350
Fax: (56-2) 219 2036
Contact: Alejandro Banados
Area: Environmental engineering, environmental equipment representation
Bio Hidrica Ltda.
Anibas Aracena 571, Nunoa, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 239 3822
Fax: (56-2) 239 3822
Contact: Davor Cotoras
Area: Environmental equipment representation
Biotamb S.A.
Agustinas 972, Of. 717, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 672 6388
Fax: (56-2) 688 0692
Contact: Jorge Retamal
Area: Industrial wastewater treatment
Bureau Veritas
Adelaida La Fetra 2375, Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 233 0008
Fax: (56-2) 251 7720
Contact: Armando Sartori
Area: ISO 14000 Audits
Cade-Idepe Consultores
Jose Domingo Canas 2640, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 204 7107
Fax: (56-2) 274 5315
Contact: Raul Fuentes
Area: Environmental engineering
Captagua S.A.
Av. Los Cerrillos 1090, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 538-9329
Fax: (56-2) 538-0138
Contact: Mario Mendoza
Area: Wastewater treatment representations
CDG, Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft e.v.
Hernando de Aguirre 162, Of. 1203, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 233 3820
Fax: (56-2) 234 1906
Contact: Hans-Jurgen Brandt
Area: Environmental training
Cesmec Ltda.
Av. Marathon 2595, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 238 0556
Fax: (56-2) 238 4135
Contact: Jose Pedro Vergara
Area: Environmental analytical laboratory
Cica Ingenieros Consultores
Av. 11 de Septiembre 2260, Of. 131, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 251 5933
Fax: (56-2) 233 7041
Contact: Christopher Beggs
Area: Environmental engineering
CJA, Consultoria Juridica
Huérfanos 1160, Of. 715, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 672 6126
Fax: (56-2) 6957407
Email: cja@reuna.cl
Contact: Rafael Valenzuela
Area: Legal auditors
Coasin Instrumentacion
Av. Holanda 1248, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 205 1313
Fax: (56-2) 225 0759
Contact: Hector Villalobos
Area: Environmental instruments/equipment
Dames & Moore Chile Ltda.
Av. 11 de Septiembre 1860, Piso 17, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 362-1465
Fax: (56-2) 252-0573
Contact: Felipe Illanes, General Manager
Area: Engineering services, environmental imipact Studies
Dastel S.A.
Leonardo Da Vinci 7569, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 211 9761
Fax: (56-2) 229 6094
Contact: Mario Vasquez
Area: Environmental engineering and environmental services (U.S.A.) representantive
Debeuf & Mundaca
Plaza Sotomayor 174, Piso 4, Of. 45, Valparaiso, Chile
Tel: (56-32) 21 2518
Fax: (56-32) 23 4937
Area: Environmental legal assistance
Perez Valenzuela 1138, Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 236 0434
Fax: (56-2) 235 8598
Contact: Olaf Thomsen
Area: Environmental analytical laboratory
DIN Instrumentos
Av. Holanda 2023, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 205 0100
Fax: (56-2) 225 8139
Contact: Rodolfo Villalon
Area: Environmental instruments
Rodrigo de Araya 2330, Nunoa, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 284 8080
Fax: (56-2) 284 1793
Contact: Raul Dieguez
Area: Solid waste and wastewater collection
Av. Ossa 2259, La Reina, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 227 1646
Fax: (56-2) 227 0574
Contact: Andres Astorga
Area: Recycling program
Av. Apoquindo 6275, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 246 0244
Fax: (56-2) 212 1354
Contact: Carlos de Martino
Area: Water U.V. treatment
Av. Americo Vespucio 2760-B, Centro de Mepresas, El Cortijo, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 623 1562
Fax: (56-2) 623 2269
Contact: Maria Antonieta Castro
Area: Odor control system
Ecopreneur Chile S.A.
Bilbao 3052-A, Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 205 1040
Fax: (56-2) 209 5026
Email: ecopren@cmet.net
Contact: Felipe Aravena, General Manager
Area: Industrial wastewater treatment equipment
Hernando de Aguirre 159, Depto. A, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 232 8645
Fax: (56-2) 232 8636
Contact: Ales Miquel
Area: Industrial wastewater treatment equipment
Panamericana Norte Km 16 s/n, Lampa, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 738 6472
Fax: (56-2) 738 6472
Contact: Carlos de Martini
Area: Industrial solid waste collection
Ecosystem S.A.
Diagonal Oriente 1381, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 274 7622
Fax: (56-2) 225 6784
Contact: Rodrigo Mayo, General Manager (WEF International Director)
Area: Wastewater treatment plant
EcoTecnica Ltda.
Nocedal 7135, La Reina, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 227 0427
Fax: (56-2) 227 0427
Contact: Marcelo Suazo
Area: Environmental engineering
El Rosal 4571, Huechuraba, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 626 1505
Fax: (56-2) 626 1565
Contact: Frank Baczek
Area: A Baker Hughes company, wastewater treatment
Electrowatt Engineering Chile
Alferez Real 1160, Of. 32, Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 223 4464
Fax: (56-20) 223 1154
Contact: Hans Krebs
Area: Engineering Services EWI-U.S.A. Asociated
Emeres Ltda.
Av. Las Rejas 1616, Estación Central, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 779 6314
Fax: (56-2) 741 3956
Contact: Sonia Castro, General Manager
Area: Solid waste, sanitary landfill administration
Energia Verde S.A.
Miraflores 222, Piso 4, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 686 8667
Fax: (56-2) 686 8699
Contact: Jose Bertran, General Manager
Area: Chilgener's enterprise, energy by forest waste combustion
Enviro Care
Quilin 1706, Macul, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 237 1571
Fax: (56-2) 237 1564
Contact: Teodoro Stager
Area: Industrial ventilation and mechanical transport equipment
ERM Chile S.A.
Eliodoro Yanez 2473, Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 334 9833
Fax: (56-2) 334 9835
Email: qualitek@cmet.net
Contact: Jorge David, Executive Director
Area: Environmental assistance
Filtro-Tecnica Ltda.
Fidel Oteiza 1921, Of. 606, Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 223 9212
Fax: (56-2) 274 7431
Contact: Carlos Herrera
Area: Environmental filters
Flygt Chile S.A.
Rancagua 0333, Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 634 1048
Fax: (56-2) 635 2041
Contact: Stephen Elgueta
Area: Pumps for wastewater, acids, industrial vacuum representations
Fundación Chile
Av. Parque Antonio Rabat Sur 6165, Vitacura, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 218 5211
Fax: (56-2) 218 6716
Contact: Eduardo Bitran, General Director
Area: Chemical analysis laboratory, environmental assistance
Geosonda Ltda.
Av. Gral. Bustamante 32, Piso 3, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 209 4830
Fax: (56-2) 251 0264
Contact: Carlos Tapia
Area: Geological surveys
Geotecnica Consultores
Dario Urzua 1944, Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 204 7351
Fax: (56-2) 204 1217
Contact: Roberto Lastrico, Manager of the Environmental Department
Area: Environmental management, environmental impact studies
Hidronor Chile S.A.
Av. Vizcaya 260, Sector Noviciado Ruta 68, Pudahuel, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 601 0540
Fax: (56-2) 601 0545
Contact: Luis Antonio Ayestaran
Area: Hazardous waste treatment plant, industrial waste final disposal
Idesol S.A.
Maria Luisa Santander 0440, Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 251 0828
Fax: (56-2) 225 0603
Contact: Edgardo Marinkovic
Area: Metallurgical engineering project
Ifarle Ltda.
Suarez Mujica 2166, Nunoa, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 239 2723
Fax: (56-2) 239 9213
Contact: Isaac Faiguenbaum, Director
Area: Engineering projects
Inducien Instruments
Av. Tabancura 1515, Of. 207, Vitacura, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 215 1234
Fax: (56-2) 217 1869
Contact: Jorge Landon
Area: Industrial equipment imports
Indusfil S.A.
Casilla 241-V Correo 21, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 621 0809
Fax: (56-2) 621 0809
Contact: Jaime Camhi
Area: Air filters, filters elements, representations
DA Ingenieria Ambiental Ingeco Ltda.
Madrid 1337, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 554 6126
Fax: (56-2) 555 6156
Contact: Jorge Varela
Area: Environmental engineering
Ingenieria Proquilab Ltda.
General Flores 59, Of. 32, Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 236 0370
Fax: (56-2) 236 3288
Contact: Ramiro Labayru
Area: Chemical process engineering
ISI Ingenieria Ltda.
Gran Avenida 3826, Of. 8-9, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 554 3659
Fax: (56-2) 554 3659
Contact: Luis Oviedo
Area: Industrial ventilation
Ivens S.A.
Av. Los Leones 1088, Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 233 6014
Fax: (56-2) 231 0734
Email: ivens@ibm.net
Contact: Samuel Carreño
Area: Environmental equipment
JH Ingenieria
Jose Domingo Cañas 2802, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 274 4377
Fax: (56-2) 225 2648
Contact: Jose Garcia, General Director
Area: Thermic process engineering
Alfredo Barros Errazuriz 1960, Piso 7, Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 341 0001
Fax: (56-2) 274 3803
Contact: Sergio Durandeau, General Manager
Area: Waste management and final disposal
Knight Piesold Ingenieros Consultores
Marchant Pereira 221, Piso 7, Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 341 7627
Fax: (56-2) 341 7628
Email: kpiesold@entelchile.net
Contact: Hernan Andrade, General Manager
Area: Environmental engineering
Jose Domingo Canas 2488, Nunoa, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 204 5121
Fax: (56-2) 274 8767
Contact: Jacobo Homsi, General Manager
Area: Environmental engineering
Laboratorio Quimico Carlos Latorre
Av. Pte. Bulnes 139, Of. 64, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 696 1481
Fax: (56-2) 698 8116
Contact: Teresa Carmona, General Manager
Area: Analytical laboratory
Lakefield Research S.A.
Los Ebanistas 8585, La Reina, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 273 0487
Fax: (56-2) 273 0250
Contact: Steve Williams
Area: Canadian enterprise, metallurgic assistance
Lasin Ltda.
Av. Capitan Ignacio Carrera Pinto 4498, Macul, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 271 1284
Fax: (56-2) 272 9873
Contact: Guillermo Gitman
Area: Analytical laboratory
Manantial Chile Ltda.
Manuel Montt 1842-A, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 209 5798
Fax: (56-2) 274 5780
Contact: Gonzalo Hurtado, Manager
Area: Wastewater equipment treatment representations
Metrolab S.A.
Santo Domingo 504, Of. 31, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 633 6240
Fax: (56-2) 639 8296
Contact: Martin Serrano
Area: Scientific instruments
Encomenderos 237, Of. 204, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 231 1445
Fax: (56-2) 231 5076
Contact: Juan Carlos Toledo
Area: Industrial wastewater equipment representation
Holanda 3481, Of. 300, Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 223 9246
Fax: (56-2) 225 6633
Contact: Fernando Vera
Area: Training center
Chile Espana 1377, Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 269 3876
Fax: (56-2) 225 5239
Email: alvrec@entelchile.net
Contact: Denise Recule, Manager of Projects
Area: Environmental management, pollution prevention
General Velasquez 10501, San Bernardo, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 527 4366
Fax: (56-2) 527 0959
Contact: Juan Bas
Area: Plastic ponds for treatment
Polygen S.A.
Av. Vitacura 6265-902C, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 219 9125
Fax: (56-2) 218 7965
Contact: Mario Alcaino
Area: Environmental engineering
Cerro El Roble 9661, Quilicura, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 738 6089
Fax: (56-2) 738 6229
Contact: Francisco Izquierdo, Manager
Area: Medical and pharmaceutical waste treatment
Propel Chile
Padre Mariano 103, Of. 306, Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 235 2485
Fax: (56-2) 235 2567
Contact: Cristian Guinez, Executive Director
Area: Clean technologies for the small and medium- sized industries
Reciclaje de Filtros Ltda.
Av. Portales 3022, San Bernardo, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 857 2370
Fax: (56-2) 857 2370
Contact: Camila Aranda
Area: Recycling filter
Constitución 9, Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 777 4200
Fax: (56-2) 777 6242
Contact: Raul Alcaino, Director
Area: Domestic solid waste collection
R & R
Av. L. O'Higgins 1869, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 698 2605
Fax: (56-2) 699 5788
Contact: Alberto Raab
Area: Industrial environmental assessment equipment
Av. Bilbao 2124, Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 274 3220
Fax: (56-2) 223 4362
Contact: Ives Segneut, General Manager
Area: Environmental engineering
Llewellyn Jones 1381, Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 242 8916
Fax: (56-2) 204 4556
Contact: Luis Alberto Adriasola, Local Representative
Area: Environment and health services
San Francisco 1138, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 555 6366
Fax: (56-2) 551 7920
Contact: Leonardo Palma, Director
Area: Acoustic systems
Av. Holanda 3857, Nunoa, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 209 9688
Fax: (56-2) 204 8309
Email: same@reuna.cl
Contact: Sabdiel Mella
Area: Environmental control engineering
Seminario 774, Nunoa, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 223 0275
Fax: (56-2) 223 4522
Contact: Teresa Montecinos, Executive Director
Area: Environmental education and communication
Senes Chile S.A.
Av. Vitacura 3900, Piso 7, Vitacura, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 207 6734
Fax: (56-2) 207 5486
Email: lbustos@ctc.mundo.net
Contact: Leopoldo Bustos, General Manager
Area: Senes Holding Corporation from Canada, environmental industries assistance
Sercal, Servicio de Consultorias para America Latina
República de Israel 977, Nunoa, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 341 4112
Fax: (56-2) 341 4116
Email: fsercal@reuna.cl
Contact: Jossie Escarate
Area: Environmental assistance
Ebro 2740, Torre B, Of. 501, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 334 2323
Fax: (56-2) 232 5070
Contact: Jaime Solari, Director
Area: Assistance in environmental management
Ignacio Valdivieso 2409, San Joaquin, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 555 8478
Fax: (56-2) 556 2412
Contact: Roberto Castillo
Area: Environmental laboratory service, environmental industries assistance
Casilla 51590 Correo Central, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 739 0231
Fax: (56-2) 739 0229
Contact: Leonhard Kemmerling
Area: Sanitary filter, representations
SKEcología S.A.
Malaga 120, Piso 5, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 228 7128
Fax: (56-2) 208 2629
Contact: Alvaro Conte
Area: Environmental engineering
Luis Uribe 2343, Nunoa, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 341 4546
Fax: (56-2) 341 5960
Contact: Ivars Kletnieks
Area: Canadian society in engineering and construction
Rafael Canas 214, Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 235 5450
Fax: (56-2) 235 9028
Contact: Allan Haines, General Manager
Area: Environmental impact studies, waste management
Av. Italia 1669, Nunoa, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 204 8657
Fax: (56-2) 225 5072
Contact: Jaime Gonzalez, General Manager
Area: Air conditioner engineering
Sulzer Chile
Miguel Claro 815, Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 235 2685
Fax: (56-2) 235 7635
Contact: Heinrich Stauffer
Area: Air conditioner engineering
Los Coigües 701, Modulo 11, Parque Industrial Aeropuerto, Quilicura, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 739 1929
Fax: (56-2) 739 1931
Contact: Hugo Garate, General Manager
Area: Water treatment plant engineering
Carmen 1760, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 554 34677
Fax: (56-2) 554 0844
Contact: Hector Espinoza, General Manager
Area: Air filters
Tecnolab S.A.
Av. Pedro de Valdivia 2528, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 341 3053
Fax: (56-2) 341 3036
Contact: Pedro Cheul, General Manager
Area: Analytical laboratory
Tecnologia Omega Ltda.
Padre Luis de Valdivia 346, Of. 304, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 639 7806
Fax: (56-2) 632 5738
Email: tecnome@entelchile.net
Contact: Boris Friedman
Area: Omega technology
Fanor Velasco 12, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 696 0109
Fax: (56-2) 698 8100
Contact: Carlos Prieto
Area: Engineering services, equipment representation
Guardia Vieja 181, Of. 703, Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 251 9142
Fax: (56-2) 251 9402
Contact: Norberto Guberman
Area: Air wastestream treatment
Antonio Bellet 77, Of. 201, Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 236 4588
Fax: (56-2) 236 4812
Contact: Fernando Alliende
Area: Environmental engineering
Trumatic S.A.
Av. Eleodoro Yanez 2550, Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 233 0356
Fax: (56-2) 232 1100
Contact: Erwin Ciesla, General Manager
Area: Software from U.S.A. representation
Uniquim Chile S.A.
Victor Manuel 1628, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 551 4880
Fax: (56-2) 551 5649
Contact: Ricardo Anguita
Area: Chemical products for sanitation and water treatment
Valensa Ltda.
Alonso de Ercilla 2940, Nunoa, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 223 0246
Fax: (56-2) 225 1357
Contact: Jorge Valenzuela, General Manager
Area: Air equipment representation
Association of Medium and Small Industries (Asociación Gremial de la Mediana y Pequeña Industria de Chile - AMPICH)
Av. Republica 371, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 689 6363
Fax: (56-2) 689 4260
Contact: Chaquib Sufan, President
Association of Metallurgical Industries (Asociación de Industrias Metalúrgicas y Metalmecánica - ASIMET)
Av. Andres Bello 2777, Piso 4, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 203 3002
Fax: (56-2) 203 3025
Contact: Hermann Von Mühlenrock, President
Association of Tool and Dye Industries of Chile, Institute of Textiles (Asociación de Tintorerias y Estampados Industriales de Chile,
Instituto Textil de Chile)
Av. Andres Bello 2777, Of. 502, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 203 3056
Fax: (56-2) 203 3059
Contact: Mario Garcia, President
Chemical Industry Association (Asociación Gremial de Industriales Químicos - ASIQUIM)
Av. Andres Bello 2777, Of. 501, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 203 3350
Fax: (56-2) 203 3351
Contact: Rodolfo Krause, President
Chilean Association of Gastronomy (Asociación Gremial Chilena de Gastronomía - ACHIGA)
La Concepción 65, Of. 901, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 235 0173
Fax: (56-2) 231 8983
Contact: Juan Pablo Moscoso, President
Chilean Association of Salmon and Trout Producers (Asociación de Productores de Salmon y Truchas de Chile)
Av. Libertador B. O'Higgins 949, Piso 25, Of. 2502, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 699 2825
Fax: (56-2) 671 3765
Contact: Francisco Ruiz, President
Chilean Exporters Association (Asociación de Exportadores de Chile - ASOEXPORT)
Cruz del Sur 133, Piso 2, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 206 6604
Fax: (56-2) 206 4163
Contact: Ronald Bown, President
Chilean Liqueur Association (Asociación de Licoristas de Chile)
Av. General Bustamante 130, Depto. 204, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 222 6603
Fax: (56-2) 222 6578
Contact: Jose Mitjans, President
Exporter Manufacturers Association of BioBio (Asociación de Exportadores de Manufacturas de Chile de BioBio - ASEXMA BIO-BIO)
O'Higgins 1671, Concepcion, Chile
Tel: (56-41) 23 2879
Fax: (56-41) 23 2878
Contact: Roberto Vega, President
Area: VIIIº Region
Fishing Industry Association, BioBio Region (Asociación de Industriales Pesqueros Region BioBio - ASIPES)
O'Higgins 493, Piso 3, Concepcion, Chile
Tel: (56-41) 24 3487
Fax: (56-41) 24 3488
Contact: Daniel Malfanti, President
Area: VIIIº Region
Footwear Industry Association (Asociación Gremial de Industriales de Calzado - ASINCAL)
Teatinos 248, Of. 23, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 672 4527
Fax: (56-2) 672 4527
Contact: Felix Halcartegaray, President
Glass, Pottery and Refractory Manufacturers Association (Asociación de Fabricantes de Vidrios, Ceramicas y Refractarios)
Huérfanos 835, Of. 1601, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 633 2589
Fax: (56-2) 638 2614
Contact: Pablo Lamarca, President
Industrial Association of Antofagasta (Asociación de Industriales de Antofagasta - AIA)
Sucre 220, Of. 410, Antofagasta, Chile
Tel: (56-55) 22 3827
Fax: (56-55) 22 38 27
Contact: Ivan Sinunowic, President
Area: IIº Region
Industrial Association of Arica (Asociación de Industriales Arica - ASINDA)
Av. Argentina 2664, Arica, Chile
Tel: (56-58) 22 8688
Fax: (56-58) 22 8688
Contact: Moises Prado, President
Area: Iº Region
Industrial Association of Chilean Pharmaceutical Laboratories (Asociación Industrial de Laboratorios Farmacéuticos Chilenos - ASILFA)
Vicuña Mackenna 35-A, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 634 1198
Fax: (56-2) 222 9350
Contact: Gonzalo Calvo, President
Industrial Association of La Goma (Asociación de Industriales de la Goma - ASIGOM)
Condor 968, Depto. A, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 639 3789
Fax: (56-2) 633 1594
Contact: Alejandro Miralles, President
Industrial Association of La Madera (Asociación Gremial de Industriales de la Madera - ASIMAD)
Av. Andres Bello 2777, Of. 505, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 203 3340
Fax: (56-2) 203 3339
Contact: Sergio Goitia, President
Industrial Association of La Reina (Asociación de Industriales de La Reina)
Av. Jorge Alessandri 20, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 273 1920
Fax: (56-2) 273 1920
Contact: Mario Henriquez, President
Industrial Association of Malleco y Cautin (Asociación de Industriales de Malleco y Cautin - ASIMCA)
General Cruz 579, Temuco, Chile
Tel: (56-45) 21 2106
Fax: (56-45) 21 2106
Contact: Guillermo Leay, President
Area: IXº Region
Industrial Association of San Bernardo (Asociación de Industrias de San Bernardo)
Av. Portales 1950, San Bernardo, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 857 1556
Fax: (56-2) 857 1556
Contact: Juan Carlos De La Larraechea, President
Industrial Association of the Central Region (Asociación de Industriales del Centro - ASICENT)
1 Poniente 1258, Talca, Chile
Tel: (56-71) 22 6805
Fax: (56-71) 22 6880
Contact: Slaven Agnic, President
Area: VIº Region
Industrial Association of the Fifth Region (Asociación Gremial de Industriales de la Quinta Region - ASIVA)
1 Poniente 350,Viña del Mar, Chile
Tel: (56-32) 97 4410
Fax: (56-32) 97 1763
Contact: Jose Luis Hornauer, President
Area: Vº Region
Industry Association of Curico (Asociación Gremial de Industriales de Curico)
Carmen 752, Piso 11, Of. 1101, Curico, Chile
Tel: (56-75) 31 3339
Fax: (56-75) 31 3339
Contact: Francisco Corta, President
Area: VIIº Region
Industry Association South East Area (Asociación de Industriales Area Sur Oriente)
Av. Grecia 4100, Of. 7, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 271 1124
Fax: (56-2) 271 1124
Contact: Alejandro Hirmas, President
Manufacture Exporters Association (Asociación de Exportadores de Manufacturas de Chile, ASEXMA A.G.)
Nueva Tajamar 481, Piso 3, Torre Sur, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 203 6699
Fax: (56-2) 203 6730
Contact: Roberto Fantuzzi, President
Manufacturing Development Society (Sociedad de Fomento Fabril)
Av. Andres Bello 2777, Piso 3, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 203 3100
Fax: (56-2) 203 3101
Contact: Felipe Lamarca, President
Area: Associate 80 percent of the national industry
Mill Association of the Central Region (Asociación de Molineros del Centro)
Agustinas 1022, Of. 512, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 695 1374
Fax: (56-2) 695 2084
Contact: Alejandro Espejo, President
National Agricultural Society (Sociedad Nacional de Agricultura - SNA)
Tenderini 187, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 639 6710
Fax: (56-2) 633 7771
Contact: Ricardo Ariztia, President
National Association of Armaments (Asociación Nacional de Armadores)
Blanco 869, Piso 3, Valparaiso, Chile
Tel: (56-32) 21 2057
Fax: (56-32) 21 2017
Contact: Juan Fernando Waidele, President
Area: Vº Region
National Fishing Society (Sociedad Nacional de Pesca)
Barros Errazuriz 1954, Of. 206, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 269 3527
Fax: (56-2) 269 2617
Contact: Sergio Sarquis, President
National Industry Association of Sausage Manufacturing (Asociación Nacional de Industriales de Cecinas - ANIC)
Agustinas 972, Piso 4, Of. 416, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 673 1714
Fax: (56-2) 671 6648
Contact: Alberto Kassis, President
National Mining Society (Sociedad Nacional de Minería - SONAMI)
Av. Apoquindo 3000, Piso 5, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 335 9300
Fax: (56-2) 334 9700
Contact: Hernan Hochschild, President
Plastic Industry Association (Asociación Gremial de Industriales del Plástico de Chile - ASIPLA)
Av. Andres Bello 2777, Of. 507, Edificio La Industria, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 203 3342
Fax: (56-2) 203 3343
Contact: Ricardo Schwartz, President
Poultry Producers Association (Asociación de Productores Avícolas de Chile - APA)
Padre Mariano 272, Of. 403, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 236 9518
Fax: (56-2) 235 0803
Contact: Juan Miguel Ovalle, President
Printers Association of Chile (Asociación de Impresores de Chile - ASIMPRES)
Canada 253, Depto. C, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 225 7706
Fax: (56-2) 204 7299
Contact: Juan Luis Somers, President
Tannery Industry Association (Asociación de Industriales de Curtidurias de Chile - ASINCUR)
Teatinos 248, Of. 21, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 696 3186
Fax: (56-2) 696 2076
Contact: Mauricio Barrer, President
Chamber of Commerce and Production of Concepcion (Cámara de la Producción y del Comercio de Concepción)
Caupolican 567, Piso 2, Of. 201, Concepción, Chile
Tel: (56-41) 24 1440
Fax: (56-41) 22 7903
Contact: Leoncio Toro, President
Area: VIIIº Region
Chamber of Leather and Footwear, Tannery Industrial Association of Chile (Cámara de Cueros y Calzados Asociación Industrial de Curtidurias de Chile)
Teatinos 248, Of. 21, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 696 3186
Fax: (56-2) 696 2076
Contact: Mauricio Barrere, President
Chilean Chamber of Construction (Cámara Chilena de la Construcción)
Marchant Pereira 10, Piso 3, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 233 1131
Fax: (56-2) 232 7600
Contact: Hernan Doren, President
Chilean Chamber of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning (Cámara Chilena de Refrigeración y Climatización)
Av. Salvador 716, Piso 3, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 204 8805
Fax: (56-2) 634 1290
Contact: Hector Fernandez, President
Chilean Chamber of the Cosmetics Industry (Cámara de la Industria Cosmética de Chile)
Av. General Bustamante 24, Piso 3, Depto. E, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 274 3816
Fax: (56-2) 204 9501
Contact: Maria Lopez, President
Chilean Chamber of the Pharmaceutical Industry (Cámara de la Industria Farmaceutica de Chile) Hernando de Aguirre 1981, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 225 2959
Fax: (56-2) 205 2060
Contact: Stephen Hess, President
Area: Foreign Pharmaceutical Industries
Chilean Maritime Chamber (Cámara Marítima de Chile)
Blanco 869, Valparaiso, Chile
Tel: (56-32) 25 0313
Fax: (56-32) 25 0231
Contact: Jaime Barahona, President
Area: Vº Region
Agricultural Research Institute (Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias - INIA)
Fidel Oteiza 1956, Piso 11, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 225 2118
Fax: (56-2) 225 8773
Contact: Carlos Muñoz, General Manager
Area: Environmental impact evaluation
Agricultural Service (Servicio Agrícola Ganadero - SAG)
Av. Presidente Bulnes 140, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 671 2323
Fax: (56-2) 672 1812
Contact: Antonio Yacsic, National Director
Area: Environmental impact monitoring
Chilean Antarctica Institute (Instituto Antártico Chileno - INACH)
Av. Luis Thayer Ojeda 814, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 231 0105
Fax: (56-2) 232 0440
Contact: Oscar Pinochet, Director
Area: Antarctic environmental protection
Chilean Commission of Copper (Comisión Chilena del Cobre - COCHILCO)
Agustinas 1161, Piso 4, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 671 2539
Fax: (56-2) 672 3584
Contact: Jorge Berghammer, General Manager
Area: Energy efficiency, clean fuels
Chilean Commission of Nuclear Energy (Comisión Chilena de Energía Nuclear)
Amunátegui 95, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 699 0070
Fax: (56-2) 699 1618
Contact: Mauricio Listemberg, Executive Director
Area: Environmental standard definition
Chilean Development Corporation
(Corporación de Fomento de la Producción-CORFO)
Moneda 921, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 365 6434
Fax: (56-2) 360 9016
Contact: Felipe Sandoval, Minister and Executive Vice President
Area: Technological development, financial instruments
Fisheries Development Institute (Instituto de Fomento Pesquero - IFOP)
Blanco 1067, Valparaíso, Chile
Tel: (56-32) 22 1540
Fax: (56-32) 22 1542
Contact: Pablo Alvarez, Executive Director
Area: Marine pollution, environmental marine impact
Foreign Investment Committee (Comité de Inversiones Extranjeras, Ministerio de Economía)
Teatinos 120, Piso10, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 688 3113
Fax: (56-2) 688 5554
Contact: Juan Kokaly, Legal Adviser
Area: Application procedures for foreign investment
Metropolitan Envirnmental Health Service (Servicio de Salud Metropolitano del Ambiente -SESMA)
Av. Bulnes 177, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 672 6999
Fax: (56-2) 699 3339
Contact: Dr. Mauricio Ilabaca, Director
Area: Environmental regulations enforcement
Metropolitan Environmental Health Service, Emission Control Program for Fixed Sources (Servicio de Salud Metropolitano del Ambiente,
Programa de Control de Emisiones de Fuentes Fijas - PROCEFF)
Olivares 1229, Piso 5, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 699 5100
Fax: (56-2) 696 3660
Contact: Marta Samudio, Program Manager
Area: Environmental monitoring, air pollution control, liquid effluent control, solid waste management control
Ministry of Cooperation and Planning (Ministerio de Planificación y Cooperación - MIDEPLAN)
Ahumada 48, Piso 10, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 675 1400
Fax: (56-2) 672 1879
Contact: Roberto Pizarro, Minister
Area: Environmental management of city wastes
Ministry of Economy (Ministerio de Economía)
Teatinos 120, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 672 5522
Fax: (56-2) 698 3642
Contact: Alvaro Diaz, Manager of Productive Development
Area: Clean technologies promotion
Ministry of Mines (Ministerio de Minería)
Teatinos 129, Piso 9, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 671 0742
Fax: (56-2) 698 9262
Contact: Sergio Jimenez, Minister Cesar Diaz, Sub-Secretary
Area: Environmental protection
Ministry of National Defense (Ministerio de Defensa Nacional)
Villavicencio 364, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 222 1202
Fax: (56-2) 222 2902
Contact: Edmundo Perez, Minister
Area: Army Force representation
Ministry of National Properties (Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales)
Juan Antonio Rios Nº 6, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 633 9305
Fax: (56-2) 633 6521
Contact: Adriana del Piano, Ministry
Area: Environmental protection
Ministry of Public Works, Regional Office of Planning (Ministerio de Obras Públicas,
Dirección Regional de Planeamiento)
Bombero Salas 1351, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 696 6966
Fax: (56-2) 696 7987
Contact: Vianel Gonzalez, Planning Director
Area: Public works, water and sewage treatment
Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications, Planning Department (Ministerio de Transporte y Telecomunicaciones, Departamento de Planificación y Gestión)
Amunategui 139, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 672 6503
Fax: (56-2) 673 1103
Contact: Andrés Rengifo, Administration Manager
Area: Urban control for air pollution caused by mobile sources
National Commission of Energy (Comisión Nacional de Energía)
Teatinos 120, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 365 6800
Fax: (56-2) 695 6404
Contact: Alejandro Yadresic, Minister
Area: Energy efficiency, clean fuels
National Commission of Scientific Research and Technology (Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica - CONICYT)
Canadá 308, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 274 4537
Fax: (56-2) 209 6729
Contact: Mauricio Sarrazin, President
Area: Academic and technological research
National Congress
Environmental Commission (Congreso Nacional Comisión de Ambiente)
Pedro Montt s/n, Valparaiso, Chile
Tel: Chamber of Deputies (Cámara de Diputados) (56-2) 697 0022 (56-32) 230 995
Tel: Senate (Cámara de Senadores)
(56-2) 697 0704 (56-32) 230 065
Contact: Senator: Antonio Horvat, President of the Commission; Deputy: Mario Acuña, President of the Commission
Area: Vº Region
National Copper Corporation (Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile - CODELCO)
Environmental Department
Huérfanos 1270, Piso 9, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 690 3903
Fax: (56-2) 690 3961
Contact: Santiago Torres, Manager
Gerardo Muñoz, SubGerente
Area: State mining corporation
National Environmental Commission (Comisión Nacional del Medio Ambiente - CONAMA)
Obispo Donoso 6, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 240 5600
Fax: (56-2) 244 1262
Contact: Rodrigo Egaña, Secretary; Jorge Chateaux, Executive Coordinator; Cristina Dazo, Assistant of the Secretary
Area: National sectorial policy, environmental protection
National Fisheries Service (Servicio Nacional de Pesca - SERNAP)
Teatinos 120, Piso 8, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 698 0543
Fax: (56-2) 698 0543
Contact: Rene Maturana, Director
Area: Marine and freshwater pollution monitoring and enforcement
National Forestry Corporation (Corporación Nacional Forestal - CONAF)
Av. Bulnes 285, Of. 501, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 696 0783
Fax: (56-2) 671 5881
Contact: Jose Antonio Prado, Executive Director
Area: National parks, environmental protection, freshwater pollution control
National Hydraulic Institute (Instituto Nacional de Hidráulica - INH)
Nataniel Cox 31, Depto. 36, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 696 2556
Fax: (56-2) 698 8954
Contact: Alejandro Lopez, Executive Director
Area: Environmental technical standard definition
National Institute of Standardization (Instituto Nacional de Normalización - INN)
Matias Cousino 64, Piso 6, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 696 8144
Fax: (56-2) 696 0247
Contact: Leonor Cerutti, Manager, Standardization Division
Area: Technical standard definition
Office of Maritime Territories and Merchant Marines (Dirección del Territorio Marítimo y Marina Mercante - DIRECTEMAR)
Av. Errazuriz 537, Valparaíso, Chile
Tel: (56-32) 25 5912
Contact: Vice Almirante Ariel Rosas, Director
Area: Marine pollution law enforcement and control
Office of Technical Cooperation, Information
Center for Decontamination (Servicio de
Cooperación Técnica - SERCOTEC
Centro de Información para la Descontaminación)
Huérfanos 1117, Piso 9, Of. 910, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 698 1853
Fax: (56-2) 697 2002
Contact: Isabel Pinochet, Operations Manager
Area: Financing small firms’ environmental investment projects
Pre-investment Program (Programa de Preinversión - MIDEPLAN-BID)
Agustinas 785, Of. 560, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 675 1400
Fax: (56-2) 672 2936
Contact: Juan Cavada, Manager, National Studies and Planning Division
Area: National investment planning
Regional Environmental Commission, Metropolitan Region (Comisión Regional del Medio Ambiente, Región Metropolitana - CONAMA Región Metropolitana)
Mac Iver 283, Piso 7, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 638 5261
Fax: (56-2) 639 8450
Contact: Clemente Perez, Secretary
Joost Meijor, Chief of Projects
Area: Environmental protection, standards enforcement
State Department (Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Dirección General Económica -
Av. Libertador O'Higgins 1315, Piso 2, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 696 0043
Fax: (56-2) 696 0639
Contact: Hector Casanova, Director
Area: International business promotion agency
Superintendency of Sanitary Services (Superintendencia de Servicios Sanitarios - SSS)
Moneda 673, Piso 7, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 633 2082
Fax: (56-2) 639 5866
Contact: Juan Eduardo Saldivia, Director
Area: Water service regulation, wastewater regulations
Tourism Service (Servicio de Turismo -SERNATUR)
Av. Providencia 1550, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 236 1420
Fax: (56-2) 236 1417
Contact: Cesar Gómez, National Director Myriam Fliman, Regional Director
Area: Tourism
Chile Foundation (Fundación Chile)
Av. Parque Antonio Rabat Sur 6165, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 218 5211
Fax: (56-2) 242 6900
Contact: Eduardo Bitran, General Director
Adolfo Alvial, Executive Coordinator of Environment
Area: Environmental technologies transference
Chilean Institute of Ecology (Instituto de Ecologia de Chile)
Agustinas 641, Of. 11, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 633 0963
Fax: (56-2) 698 4127
Contact: Juan Grau, General Secretary
Area: Environmental protection group
Environmental Research and Planning Center (Centro de Investigación y Planificación del Medio Ambiente - CIPMA)
Av. Holanda 1109, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 334 1096
Fax: (56-2) 334 1095
Contact: Guillermo Geisse, Director
Area: Environmental research center
EULA Center (Centro EULA)
Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile
Tel: (56-41) 24 2465
Fax: (56-41) 24 2546
Contact: Oscar Parra, Director
Adolfo Acuña, SubDirector
Area: Environmental research center
Flora and Fauna Defense Committee (Comité Pro-Defensa de la Flora y Fauna - CODEFF)
Av. Bilbao 691, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 251 0262
Fax: (56-2) 251 8433
Contact: Miguel Stutzin, President
Area: Environmental protection activist group
Metallurgical and Mining Research Center (Centro de Investigación Minera y Metalúrgica - CIMM)
Av. Parque Antonio Rabat 6500, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 242 7446
Fax: (56-2) 218 6015
Contact: Leopoldo Contreras, General Manager; Rodrigo Quintana, Director, CIMM—Environment
Area: Environmental mining research center
Natural Resources Information Center (Centro de Información de Recursos Naturales - CIREN)
Av. Manuel Montt 1164, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 223 0651
Fax: (56-2) 209 6407
Contact: Jose Antonio Bustamante, Executive Director
Area: Natural resources information
Technological Research Corporation (Corporación de Investigación Tecnológica - INTEC-CHILE)
Av. Santa Maria 6400, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 242 8100
Fax: (56-2) 218 5307
Contact: Sally Bendersky, Executive Director; Maria Angelica Rovira, Chief Environmental Technologies
Area: Environmental technologies transference
Association of Forest Engineers (Colegio de Ingenieros Forestales)
San Isidro 22, Of. 503, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 639 3289
Fax: (56-2) 638 5280
Contact: Geanberto Bisso, Executive Director
Area: Environmental impact analysis
Chilean Association of Consultant Engineers (Asociación de Ingenieros Consultores de Chile)
F. Oteiza 1941, Of. 704, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 341 5090
Fax: (56-2) 204 1510
Contact: Lautaro Carcamo
Chilean Association of Engineers (Colegio de Ingenieros de Chile)
Av. Santa Maria 0508, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 777 9530
Fax: (56-2) 777 8681
Contact: Carlos Andreani, President
Area: Environmental continuing education for engineers
Inter-American Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering (Asociación Interamericana de Ingenieria Sanitaria y Ambiental)
Barros Errazuriz 1954, Of. 1007, Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 269 0085
Fax: (56-2) 269 0087
Contact: Alex Chelchilnitzky, President
Denise Recule, Pollution Prevention Area
Area: Water Environment Federation-Chile, WEF-CHILE
Camino a Melipilla 10339, Maipu, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 533 2838
Fax: (56-2) 533 1667
Email: info@fisa.cl
Website: http://www.fisa.cl
Contact: Jorge Solis, Manager
Area: Environmental technical solutions
Av. Las Condes 13451, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 217 9291
Fax: (56-2) 217 9285
Email: foriente@fisa.cl
Area: Environmental technical solutions
Department of Commerce, U.S. Embassy, Santiago, Chile
Av. Andres Bello 2800, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 330 3705
Fax: (56-2) 330 3172
Contact: Carlos Poza, Commercial Counselor
Isabel Margarita Valenzuela, Commercial Advisor
United States Embassy in Chile
Av. Andres Bello 2800, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 232 2600
Fax: (56-2) 330 3710
Contact: Gabriel Guerra, Ambassador
Metropolitan Office of Sanitary Works (Empresa Metropolitana de Obras Sanitarias - EMOS S.A.)
Bulnes 129, Piso 5, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 698 7766
Fax: (56-2) 696 3462
Contact: Paulina Lobos, SubGerente
Area: Metropolitan Region
Sanitary Services Enterprise of Tarapaca (Empresa de Servicios Sanitarios de Tarapacá - ESSAT S.A.)
Tarapaca 130, Iquique, Chile
Tel: (56-57) 41 3013
Fax: (56-57) 42 1249
Contact: Reinaldo Delgadillo, General Manager
Area: Iº Region
Sanitary Services of Antofagasta (Empresa de Servicios Sanitarios de Antofagasta - ESSAN S.A.)
Av. Jose Miguel Carrera 1701, Antofagasta, Chile
Tel: (56-55) 25 1016
Fax: (56-55) 22 1896
Contact: Renato Agurto, General Manager
Area: IIº Region
Sanitary Services of Atacama (Empresa de Servicios Sanitarios de Atacama - EMSSAT S.A.)
Atacama 581, Edificio Alcazar, Piso 3, Copiapo, Chile
Tel: (56-52) 21 9847
Fax: (56-52) 21 2241
Contact: Luis Alberto Delgado, General Manager
Area: IIIº Region
Sanitary Services of Aysen (Empresa de Servicios Sanitarios de Aysen - EMSSA S.A.)
Condell 22, Coyhaique, Chile
Tel: (56-67) 23 1744
Fax: (56-67) 23 1820
Contact: Pedro Veloso, General Manager
Area: XIº Region
Sanitary Services of BioBio (Empresa de Servicios Sanitarios del BioBio - ESSBIO S.A.)
Tucapel 717, Concepción, Chile
Tel: (56-41) 22 9916
Fax: (56-41) 22 3635
Contact: Alex Serri, General Manager
Area: VIIIº Region
Sanitary Services of Coquimbo (Empresa de Servicios Sanitarios de Coquimbo - ESSCO S.A.)
Colo Colo 935, La Serena, Chile
Tel: (56-51) 22 5552
Fax: (56-51) 22 5552
Contact: Norman Partarrieu, General Manager
Area: IVº Region
Sanitary Services of La Araucania (Empresa de Servicios Sanitarios de La Araucania - ESSAR S.A.)
San Martin 1080, Temuco, Chile
Tel: (56-45) 21 0208
Fax: (56-45) 21 2138
Contact: Pablo Sanchez, General Manager
Area: IXº Region
Sanitary Services of Libertador (Empresa de Servicios Sanitarios del Libertador - ESSEL S.A.)
Cuevas 530, Rancagua, Chile
Tel: (56-72) 22 5856
Fax: (56-72) 23 0180
Contact: Patricio Herrera, General Manager
Area: VIº Region
Sanitary Services of Los Lagos (Empresa de Servicios Sanitarios de Los Lagos - ESSAL S.A.)
Covadonga 52, Puerto Montt, Chile
Tel: (56-65) 25 8243
Fax: (56-65) 25 4193
Contact: Marcelo Aguilera, General Manager
Area: Xº Region
Sanitary Services of Magallanes (Empresa de Servicios Sanitarios de Magallanes - ESMAG S.A.)
Manuel Señoret 936, Punta Arenas, Chile
Tel: (56-61) 24 3965
Fax: (56-61) 20 0833
Contact: Ivan Plencovich, General Manager
Area: XIIº Region
Sanitary Services of Maule (Empresa de Servicios Sanitarios del Maule - ESSAM S.A.)
Uno Oriente 1384, Talca, Chile
Tel: (56-71) 20 4101
Fax: (56-71) 20 4102
Contact: Ricardo Araneda, General Manager
Area: VIIº Region
Sanitary Services of Valparaiso (Empresa de Servicios Sanitarios de Valparaiso - ESVAL S.A.)
Cochrane 751, Valparaiso, Chile
Tel: (56-32) 20 9000
Fax: (56-32) 20 9502
Contact: Sergio Henriquez, General Manager
Area: Vº Region
Appendix C
Financing Options for Environmental Exports
Multilateral Financing Sources
World Bank: The World Bank is the largest financier of environmental infrastructure projects world-wide. Its numerous publications include Environment Matters, which summarizes its environmental operations. The World Bank conducts one-day seminars on upcoming business opportunities developing within the Bank. The program in-cludes strategies on how to stay informed about projects, upcoming contracts, and how to pursue foreign investment opportunities. The World Bank publishes Facing the Global Challenge: A Progress Report on the World Bank Global Environment Operations, which summarizes its portfolio of environmental projects.
World Bank
1818 H Street, NW
Washington, DC 20433
Public Information Center:
Tel: 202-458-5454
Fax: 202-522-1500
Email: pic@worldbank.org
Website: http://www.worldbank.org
Inter-American Development Bank
1300 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20577
Tel: 202-623-1000
Fax: 202-623-3096
Public Information Center:
Tel: 202-623-2096
Fax: 202-623-1928
Email: pic@iadb.org
Website: http://www.iadb.org
The two institutions affiliated with the World Bank Group that deal with the private sector are the following:
- International Finance Corporation: The IFC provides both loan and equity financing to private sector projects that are unable to obtain financing from other sources on reasonable terms. IFC also offers quasi-equity and financial risk management products. Contact information: Tel: 202-473-0642; Fax: 202-
334-8705; website: http://www.ifc.org. Latin America contact: Karl Voltaire, Tel: 202-473-0558; Fax: 202-522-2630.
- Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency: MIGA was established in 1988 to encourage the flow of foreign direct investment in developing member countries. It provides investment guarantees against the risks of currency transfer, expropriation, and war and civil disturbance (“political risks”) and certain noncommercial risks to foreign investors in developing member countries. MIGA can insure new investments originated in any member country and destined for any developing member country. New investment contributions associated with the expansion, modernization, or financial restructuring of existing projects are also eligible. The maximum amount of coverage MIGA will issue for a single project is currently $50 million. Contact information: Tel: 202-473-6163; Fax: 202-522-2630; website: http://www.miga.org. Latin America contact: Stine Andresen, Tel: 202-473-6157; Fax: 202-522-2630.
Inter-American Development Bank: The IDB is a multilateral development bank that focuses on Latin America and the Caribbean. It funds a variety of environmental infrastructure projects and supports the development of environmental institutions in Latin American countries. It also has several programs to assist the private sector. The Private Sector Department has a program to provide long-term financing and guarantees for larger private infrastructure projects. Contact information for private sector department: 202-623-1501.
- IDB Inter-American Investment Corporation. The IIC promotes private sector development by making equity investments and providing term loans for projects where traditional financing is not available. Contact information: 202-623-3900.
The IDB offers monthly business briefings to help companies understand how to do business with the IDB. Call IDB’s main number for more information.
U.S. Bilateral Funding and Financing Sources
Several U.S. government agencies support U.S. companies interested in exporting technologies and services. U.S. companies can research each of these agencies through their website or contact them directly for more information.
U.S. Export-Import Bank
811 Vermont Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20571
Tel: 800-565-EXIM or 202-565-EXIM
Fax: 202-565-3380
Website: http://www.exim.gov
Private Export Funding Corporation
280 Park Avenue
Fourth Floor, West Building
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-916-0300
Fax: 212-286-0304
U.S. Overseas Private Investment Corporation
1100 New York Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20527
Tel: 202-336-8491
OPIC InfoLine: 202-336-8799
OPIC FactsLine: 202-336-87
Fax: 202-408-9866
Website: http://www.opic.gov
U.S. Trade and Development Agency
SA-16, Room 309
Washington, DC 20513-1602
Tel: 703-875-4357
Fax: 703-875-4009
Email: info@tda.gov
Website: http://www.tda.gov
U.S. Small Business Administration
Office of International Trade
409 3rd Street, SW, 6th Floor
Washington, DC 20416
Tel: 800-U-ASK-SBA
Website: http://www.sbaonline.sba.gov
Export-Import Bank of the United States: The Ex-Im Bank provides export credit support either to U.S. exporters on a short-term basis or to foreign purchasers on a longer-term basis (2 to 10 years). Through loan guarantees and insurance, the agency fosters exports by making working capital available to U.S. exporters. Alternatively, through similar mechanisms plus the extension of direct loans (and, on occasion, grants), Ex-Im Bank provides credit at attractive interest rates to foreign buyers to encourage their purchase of U.S. goods and services. Ex-Im Bank does not compete with commercial lenders, but assumes the risks they cannot accept.
Ex-Im Bank has designed a special Environmental Exports Program that will provide enhanced levels of support for a broad range of environmental exports. The program demonstrates Ex-Im Bank’s resolve to reach out to small and large exporters of environmental products and services. The major features of the program are the following:
A short-term Environmental Export Insurance Policy to provide enhanced short-term, multi-buyer and single-buyer insurance coverage for small environmental exporters. The program features policies that deliver 95 percent commercial coverage and 100 percent political coverage with no deductible.
Enhanced medium- and long-term support for environmental projects, products, and services. These enhancements, which are reflected in Ex-Im Bank’s loan and guarantee programs, include local cost coverage equal to 15 percent of the U.S. contract price, capitalization of interest during construction, and maximum allowable repayment terms permissible under OECD guidelines.
The Private Export Funding Corporation: PEFCO is a consortium of private lenders that acts as a supplemental lender to traditional export financing sources. It works with Ex-Im Bank by using private capital to finance U.S. exports. PEFCO makes loans to public and private borrowers located outside the United States who require medium- and/or long-term financing on purchases of U.S. goods and services through traditional lenders or suppliers. In all cases, the loans made by PEFCO must be covered by the comprehensive guarantee of repayment of principal and interest by Ex-Im Bank.
The Overseas Private Investment Corporation: OPIC finances medium- to long-term investment projects through loan guarantees and direct loans. Direct loans are geared for small businesses or cooperatives and usually range between $2 million and $10 million. Loan guarantees range between $10 million and $100 million. OPIC protects U.S. business activities in emerging markets through its Investment Insurance Programs against 1) currency inconvertibility (the inability to convert profits, debt service, and other investment remittances from local currency to U.S. dollars), 2) expropriation (loss of investment due to expropriation, nationalization, or confiscation by a foreign government), and 3) political instability due to war, revolution, or civil strife. The insurance programs also can be used to cover expanding investments. OPIC also offers the Small Contractor’s Guarantee Program, which assists small business construction and service contractors. Through its investment missions, OPIC promotes U.S. business by bringing groups of U.S. executives to a selected number of countries to meet with host country government officials, local business leaders, and potential joint venture partners. Reverse missions bring foreign government officials and local business leaders to the United States to meet with their counterparts.
U.S. Trade and Development Agency: USTDA is an independent federal agency with over $40 million dedicated to assisting U.S. companies on overseas business opportunities in developing countries and responding to foreign competition. It sponsors feasibility studies, definitional missions, and desk studies for major public and private sector projects in order to promote the use of U.S. goods and services in project implementation. Projects that the agency has listed as priorities include energy, infrastructure, and natural resource development. Funding from the agency usually ranges from $150,000 to $750,00 for public sector projects. TDA Pipeline, its biweekly newsletter, highlights new definitional missions, feasibility study opportunities (also advertised in Commerce Business Daily), USTDA/World Bank project announcements, and upcoming orientation visits and conferences.
U.S. Small Business Administration: SBA has an Export Finance Program that guarantees up to $750,000 for either short- or long-term loans to help small businesses increase their export sales. This program is designed to assist small businesses requiring capital to expand sales or manufacturing for international markets, as well as meet their working capital needs. Loan proceeds may not be used to establish operations overseas.
In addition to these agencies, there are several other bilateral resources that provide financial assistance to U.S. environmental technology and services exporters. These include the following:
Latin America Fund for the Environment: The Fund is administered by the National Association of State Development Agencies. It provides grants to U.S. firms to
facilitate the transfer of environmentally responsible technologies between the United States and Latin America. Each matching grant (not to exceed $10,000) is intended to serve as a catalyst to draw small to medium-sized U.S. companies into Latin American markets. Companies are required to match 50 percent of the total project costs. Contact information: National Association of State Development Agencies, 750 First St., NE, Suite 710, Washington, DC, 20002; Tel: 202-898-1302; Fax: 202-898-1312.
OPIC Allied Capital International Small Business Fund: This is a $20 million equity fund that invests in OPIC-designated countries. Eligible companies are small U.S. businesses seeking risk capital to expand overseas. The preferred investment size is $2 to $5 million. One of the sectors targeted by the Fund is environmental services. Contact information: Allied Capital Corporation, 1666 K St., NW, Washington, DC 20006; Tel: 202-331-1112; Fax: 202-659-2053.
OPIC Global Environmental Emerging Market Funds (GEEMF) I and II: These funds focus primarily on equity investments in natural resource-related sectors related to the development, financing, operating, or supplying of infrastructure in clean energy, clean water, and waste management. Investment size can reach $10 million. Contact information: GEF Management Corp., 1201 New York Ave., NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20005; Tel: 202-789-4500; Fax: 202-789-4508.
Appendix D
U.S. Government Programs to Assist Exporters
There are a number of government and government-funded programs that directly or indirectly support the export of U.S. environmental technologies to Chile. The following is a brief description of these programs and the assistance that they offer to U.S. businesses. Many of the organizations conducting these programs are excellent sources of information on export markets. This information can be found via their websites or by calling their offices.
U.S. Department of Commerce (US DOC)
Environmental Technologies Exports: The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Environmental Technologies Exports office is a key resource within the U.S. Government. This office provides U.S. firms with market and project information focusing on key emerging markets, upcoming trade promotion events, other organized activities for environmental exports, and key overseas contacts. It also promotes U.S. environmental exports by leading environmental business missions around the world. The office issues a series of publications, including Environmental Technology Exports: A Guide to U.S. Government Resources and environmental export market plans for many of the big emerging markets. Contact information: Tel: 202-482-5225; Fax: 202- 482-5665; website: http://infoserv2.ita.doc.gov/ete.
Other Relevant US DOC Programs
The U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service has offices in more than 220 cities to assist U.S. exporters. This service provides advocacy support for U.S. businesses and services such as export counseling, trade finance information, customized market research, and the identification of trade leads. It also organizes trade missions and events, and offers a Matchmaker Program to link U.S. firms with agents and distributors around the world.
Contact information in Santiago, Chile: American Embassy Santiago, Tel: 011-56-2-330-3310; Fax: 011-56-2-330-3172; Street Address: Andres Bello 2800, Los Condes, Mailing Address: Unit 4111, APO AA 3403; website: http://www.ita.doc.gov/uscs/chile/chile.html.
The Advocacy Center promotes U.S. firms through advocacy by high-level U.S. Government officials and tracks environmental projects worldwide. Contact information: Tel: 202-482-3896; Fax: 202-482-3508.
The Trade Information Center is a comprehensive resource for information on all Federal Government export assistance programs. Center staff counsel small to medium-sized U.S. companies that are entering the export market through one-on-one counseling. Contact information: Tel: 1-800-USA-TRADE (800-872-8723) or 202-482-0543; Fax: 202-482-4473; or website: http://www.ita.doc.gov/tic.
The Office of Multilateral Development Bank Operations provides the U.S. exporting community with comprehensive information on all multilateral development bank programs and opportunities. Contact information: Tel: 202-482-3399; Fax: 202-273-0927.
Export Assistance Centers are a joint effort of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Commercial Service, the Small Business Administration, the U.S. Export-Import Bank, and the U.S. Agency for International Development. The Centers’ staff members provide one-on-one counseling to small and medium-sized export-ready businesses by evaluating the needs of clients and helping them develop customized international business strategies. Offices are located throughout the United States and in nearly 70 countries abroad. To find the nearest Export Assistance Center, visit their website at http://www.ita.doc.gov/uscs/domfld.html or contact the following EAC offices: Tel: 310-980-4550, Fax: 310-980-4561 (California); Tel: 312-353-8040, Fax: 312-353-8098 (Illinois); Tel: 305-526-7425, Fax: 305-526-7434 (Florida); or Tel: 410-962-4539, Fax: 410-962-4529 (Maryland).
Latin America Flash Fax System. This program provides a variety of easily accessible information on doing business in Latin America directly to your fax machine. Call 202-482-4464 to access the system and order documents. Select #0100 to get a main menu of documents available in this system.
Copies of all U.S. Department of Commerce publications and other trade information are available through the National Trade Data Bank, Tel: 202-482-1986; Fax: 202-482-2164. For general information on the Department of Commerce, Tel: 202-482-2000; website: http://www.doc.gov.
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
USAID administers a number of environmental and social development programs throughout the world. Environmental programs are implemented through USAID’s Center for Environment and the Latin America and Caribbean Bureau. These programs seek to promote environmental sustainable development in the largest export markets for the United States while preserving the global environment through reductions in greenhouse gases and maintaining biodiversity. While USAID no longer has an office in Chile, a number of USAID-sponsored programs seek to provide assistance to U.S. companies doing business in Latin America. These include the following:
Center for Trade & Investment Services: CTIS is a Washington-based information center for USAID programs and activities in various sectors such as environment, energy, agribusiness, health, and training. CTIS offers valuable counseling assistance to small and medium-sized businesses interested in pursuing contracting and procurement with USAID, and proactively distributes materials on these opportunities. CTIS develops and disseminates sector-specific guides about USAID programs and activities. Its key publications include Guide to Business Assistance Programs for Energy and Environment; Latin America and the Caribbean: A Resource Guide; and Financing Guide: Latin America and the Caribbean. Contact information: Tel: 202-663-2660 or 800-872-4348; Fax: 202-663-2670.
Environmental Technologies Network for the Americas: ETNA assists U.S. firms in finding trade opportunities for environmental products and services in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela. Through a network of local technical representatives and environmental business advisors, the program identifies product, service, and infrastructure opportunities in target countries. ETNA electronically matches technology trade and investment opportunities with U.S. environmental companies. There is no charge for U.S. companies to participate in the ETNA program. Contact information: Tel: 800-872-4348 or 202-663-2674; Fax: 202-663-2670.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
The Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) is working with Chile’s National Environmental Commission (CONAMA) to provide a range of technical assistance in environmental management. This work is supported by a grant from the Inter-American Development Bank. Activities have included providing assistance in the management of residuals from wastewater treatment plants, teaching procedures for whole effluent toxicity testing, evaluating health effects of particulate matter from copper smelting, presenting public health assessment methodologies, and recycling options for lead-acid batteries. Contact information: Sylvia Correa, EPA Office of International Activities, Tel: 202-564-6443; Fax: 202-565-2411.
U.S. Trade and Development Agency
The U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) helps U.S. companies pursue overseas business opportunities by funding feasibility studies, sponsoring orientation visits, conducting specialized training and business workshops, and providing other forms of technical assistance. The agency focuses primarily on infrastructure development projects. By funding feasibility studies that evaluate the technical, legal, economic, and financial aspects of development projects, USTDA provides U.S. companies with an opportunity to get in on the “ground floor” of a project. These studies also advise project sponsors about the availability of specific U.S. equipment and services. USTDA has funded several projects in Chile. Contact information: Tel: 703-875-4357; Fax: 703-875-4009, Email: info@tda.gov; website: http://www.tda.gov. The website includes a project pipeline for current projects.
Bankers’ Association for Foreign Trade
BAFT is an association of banking institutions dedicated to fostering and promoting American exports, international trade, finance, and investment between the United States and its trading partners. BAFT operates the Access to Export Capital Program (AXCAP), a national database of financiers and government agencies that are involved in trade finance and the services they offer. AXCAP also contains a national inventory of services offered by government export credit agencies, including Ex-Im Bank, OPIC, and SBA. Contact information: Tel: 800-49-AXCAP or 202-452-0013; Fax: 202-452-0959.
Appendix E
U.S. Commercial Service
Environmental Team Members
East Team
Nelda Segars
Phone: 205-731-1333
Fax: 205-731-0076
Phil Outzs
Phone: 407-648-6235
Fax: 407-648-6756
George Frank
Phone: 404-657-1954
Fax: 404-657-1970
New Jersey
Robert Jones
Phone: 973-645-4682
Fax: 973-645-4783
Dina Vulpis
Phone: 973-645-4682
Fax: 973-645-4783
Donald Businger
Phone: 609-989-2311
Fax: 609-989-2395
North Carolina
Debbie Strader
Phone: 910-333-5345
Fax: 910-333-5158
William Davis Coale, Jr.
Phone: 804-771-2246
Fax: 804-771-8319
Mideast Team
Sharon Bongiovanni
Phone: 860-638-6950
Fax: 860-638-6970
Nicole Blackwell
Phone: 317-582-2300
Fax: 317-582-2301
John Autin
Phone: 502-582-5066
Fax: 502-582-6573
Richard Corson
Phone: 810-975-9600
Fax: 810-975-9606
Sara Coulter
Phone: 810-975-9600
Fax: 810-975-9606
New York
George Buchanan
Phone: 716-551-4191
Fax: 716-551-5290
James Mariano
Phone: 716-263-6480
Fax: 716-325-6505
Debbie Dirr
Phone: 513-684-2944
Fax: 513-684-3227
Clem von Koschembahr
Phone: 216-522-4756
Fax: 216-522-2235
Andrea Scheibel
Phone: 412-395-6810
Fax: 412-395-4875
James Cox
Phone: 802-828-4508
Midwest Team
Des Moines
Randy LaBounty
Phone: 515-284-4222
Fax: 515-284-4021
Highland Park
Robin Mugford
Phone: 847-681-8010
Fax: 847-681-8012
New Orleans
Cliff Gaston
Phone: 504-589-6548
Fax: 504-589-2337
Roberta Ford
Phone: 612-348-1638
Fax: 612-348-1650
Kansas City
Ruby Sirna
Phone: 816-426-3141
Fax: 816-426-3140
Karen Parker
Phone: 512-916-5939
Fax: 512-916-5940
Fort Worth
Vavie Sellschopp
Phone: 817-212-2673
Fax: 817-978-0178
Ken Konkel
Phone: 713-718-3069
Fax: 713-718-3060
San Antonio
Mitchell Auerbach
Phone: 210-228-9878
Fax: 210-228-9874
Paul Churchill
Phone: 414-297-3473
Fax: 414-297-3470
West Team
Kellie Holloway
Phone: 602-640-2514
Fax: 602-640-2518
Los Angeles
Julieanne Osgood
Phone: 310-235-7206
Fax: 310-235-7220
San Francisco
Dallas DeLuca
Phone: 415-705-2283
Fax: 415-705-2297
San Diego
Mark Peters
Phone: 619-557-2962
Fax: 619-557-6176
Ray Makalintal
Phone: 909-466-4134
Fax: 909-466-4140
Selina Marquez
Phone: 303-844-5655
Fax: 303-844-5651
Pamela Ward
Phone: 541-465-6575
Fax: 541-465-6704
Jeff Porter
Phone: 207-541-7400
Fax: 207-541-7420
Diane Mooney
Phone: 206-553-7251
Fax: 206-553-7253
Appendix F
Environmental Trade
Working Group: Key Contacts
Department of Commerce
Anne Alonzo
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Environmental Technology Exports
Department of Commerce
14th Street & Constitution Ave., NW
Room 1003
Washington, DC 20230
Phone: 202-482-5557
Fax: 202-482-5665
Ellis Mottur
Assistant Secretary of Trade Development
Department of Commerce
14th Street & Constitution Ave., NW
Room 3832
Washington, DC 20230
Phone: 202-482-1461
Fax: 202-482-5697
Department of Defense
Andy Gillmore
Staff Assistant for Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense
Department of Defense
3300 Defense Pentagon
Room 3-B, 739
Washington, DC 20301
Phone: 703-614-8784
Fax: 703-695-1495
Department of Energy
David Jhirad
Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office of International Energy Policy, Trade & Investment
Department of Energy
1000 Independence Ave., SW
Room 73034
Washington, DC 20589
Phone: 202-586-5493
Fax: 202-586-3047
Department of the Interior
Brooks Yeager
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy
Department of the Interior
1849 C Street, NW, Room 6123
Washington, DC 20240
Phone: 202-208-6182
Fax: 202-208-4561
Department of State
Rafe Pomerance
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Environment & Development
Department of State
2201 C Street, NW
Room 7831
Washington, DC
Phone: 202-647-2232
Fax: 202-647-0217
Department of the Treasury
Meg Lundsager
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Trade & Investment Policy
Department of the Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20220
Phone: 202-622-0168
Fax: 202-622-5304
Environmental Protection Agency
William Nitze
Assistant Administrator of Office of International Activities
Environmental Protection Agency
401 M Street, SW
Washington, DC 20460-2610
Phone: 202-564-5600
Fax: 202-565-2407
Alan Hecht
Deputy Assistant Administrator of Office of International Activities
Environmental Protection Agency
401 M Street, SW, MC 2610R
Washington, DC 20460-2610
Phone: 202-564-6602
Fax: 202-565-2407
Export-Import Bank
Julie Belaga
Export-Import Bank
811 Vermont Ave., NW, Room 1257
Washington, DC 20571
Phone: 202-565-3540
Fax: 202-565-3548
Overseas Private Investment Corporation
Harvey Himberg
Director of Investment Policy and Environmental Affairs
1100 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20527
Phone: 202-336-8614
Fax: 202-218-0177
Small Business Administration
Eileen Cassidy
Director of International Trade
Small Business Administration
409 3rd Street, SW, MC 7550
Washington, DC 20416
Phone: 202-205-6720
Fax: 202-205-7272
U.S. Agency for International Development
Jeff Seabright
Director, Office of Energy, Environment & Technology
U.S. Agency for International Development Ronald Reagan Building, Room 3.07-003
Washington, DC 20523-3800
Phone: 202-712-4370
Fax: 202-216-3230
U.S.-Asia Environmental Partnership
Lawrence Crandall
Executive Director
U.S.-Asia Environmental Partnership
Ronald Reagan Building, 4th Floor
Washington, DC 20523
Phone: 202-712-4156
Fax: 202-216-3379
U.S. Environmental Training Institute
Edith A. Cecil
Executive Director
U.S. Environmental Training Institute
1000 Thomas Jefferson Street, NW
Suite 308
Washington, DC 20007
Phone: 202-338-3400
Fax: 202-333-4782
U.S. Trade and Development Agency
Edward Cabot
Director of Legislative Affairs
U.S. Trade and Development Agency
Room 309, SA 16
Washington, DC 20523-1602
Phone: 703-875-4357
Fax: 703-875-4009
U.S. Trade Representative
Jennifer Haverkamp
Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Environment & Natural Resources
U.S. Trade Representative
600 17th Street, NW, Room 410
Washington, DC 20508
Phone: 202-395-7320
Fax: 202-395-4579
White House
Dave Rejeski
Council on Environmental Quality
722 Jackson Place, NW
Washington, DC 20503
Phone: 202-395-7423
Fax: 202-456-6546
Appendix G
Helpful Documents
Assessing Latin American Markets for North American Environmental Goods and Services. Prepared for Commission for Environmental Cooperation by ESSA Technologies Ltd., The GLOBE Foundation of Canada, SAIC de Mexico S.A. de C.V., CG/LA Infrastructure, July 1996.
Approaching International Environmental Markets: Country and Finance Analysis. Prepared by Laine Morrison and Mary McGuirk, State of Colorado International Trade Office, 1997.
Country Commercial Guide: Chile. Prepared by U.S. Embassy Santiago, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, August 1996.
Espinoza G. Guillermo and Juan Carlos Urquidi F. Environmental Management Framework: Policies, Rules and Procedures. Prepared for the Foreign Investment Committee, Santiago, Chile, December 1997.
“Guide to Industrial Decontamination and Energy Resources.” Directorio Induambiente. 1996/97 edition.
International Water Development Annual. World Congress, LLC, 1997.
Ministry of Planning and Cooperation. “Residuos Sólidos: Estudios y Planes de Manejo,” 1997.
National Environmental Commission. “Estudio del Plan Maestro sobre Manejo de Residuos Sólidos Industriales en la Región Metropolitana.” Prepared by Kokusai Kogyo Co., Ltda., 1996.
National Environmental Commission. Gestión Ambiental del Gobierno de Chile: 1997. Santiago, Chile, 1997.
Superintendency of Sanitary Services. Informe Anual de Coberaturas de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado: 1996. Santiago, Chile, June 1997.
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