Environmental Technologies Industries
Market Plans |
Climate Change Report |
Appendices |
Project Name | Description | Donor Agency | Total Cost/Donor Cost | Duration/Status |
GLOBAL | ||||
Renewable Energy Applications and Training (REAT) | The REAT program funds global, regional, and country-specific activities to increase the commercialization of renewable energy technologies. It focuses on removing obstacles to the use of commercially proven technologies that use wind, solar, biomass, small hydro, and geothermal resources. REAT emphasizes information and skills transfer, policy reform, private sector involvement, project identification and design, and identification of financing mechanisms. | USAID | Total: $34.3 million GEF: $34.3 million | 1985–2002 |
Small- and Medium-Scale Enterprise Program | The program is designed to stimulate greater involvement of private, small- and medium-scale enterprises (SME) in GEF-eligible activities. It on-lends GEF grant funds to carefully screened financial intermediaries at long-term low-interest rates. The intermediaries commit to use the funds to finance GEF-eligible projects. The program allows the intermediaries to fund long-term loans or equity investments in relatively high-risk, experimental SME projects where normally suitably priced capital is lacking. | GEF/IFC | Total: $52.5 million GEF: $16.50 million | 1997–2006 |
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Fund (REEF) | REEF provides a pool of grant funds to a separate $150–$210 million fund being established by the International Finance Corporation and other commercial investors. The fund invests in private sector projects and companies in grid-connected and off-grid renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE). The fund focuses primarily on RE and EE projects or project portfolios in the $5–30 million range, a range which is often considered too small, too complex, or too risky by institutional investors. | GEF/IFC | Total: $240 million GEF: $30 million | 1997–2012 |
Sustainable Markets for Sustainable Energy (SMSE) Program | The program’s purpose is to catalyze the development of sustainable markets for energy efficient systems, technologies, and practices, and clean energy sources throughout Latin Program America and the Caribbean. The program will test a strategy and action plan for the IDB to act as a catalyst in the mobilization of donor support for its borrowing members’ efforts to establish sustainable markets for sustainable energy. | IDB | Total: $1.4 million IDB: $0.9 million | 1996–2000 |
BRAZIL | ||||
Brazil Energy Efficiency | The integrated IBRD and GEF project supports supply-side loss-reduction investments, promote integrated supply and demand-side management pilot projects; create mechanisms to finance investments in energy efficiency by utilities, consumers, and energy service companies; and provide capacity building and technical assistance to support electric energy efficiency and conservation programs, financial mechanisms, policies, regulations, and standards. | GEF/World Bank | Total: $200 million GEF: $20 million | 1997–1999 |
Wood Gasification Integrated Systems for Electricity Generation (WBP/SIGAME) | Building on the technological advances gained under the UNDP-implemented Pilot Phase GEF project, a public-private consortium will demonstrate biomass integrated gasification/gas Bank turbine technology for cogeneration of electricity at a commercial scale. The 30 MW demonstration plant in the state of Bahia will run on wood chip fuel from plantation forests. | GEF/World Bank | Total: $122 million GEF: $40 million | 1997–2001 |
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Buses Project | The project aims at demonstrating the potential for commercialization of fuel cell-powered buses for public transportation in the state of Sao Paulo. | GEF | GEF Total: $45 million GEF: $45 million | 2000–2004 |
CHINA | ||||
China Energy Conservation Project | The project will support the establishment, pilot testing, and commercial demonstration of market-oriented energy service companies that will promote investments in energy-efficient technology through energy performance contracting. The project will start in three provinces, and after a pilot phase will be expanded to other parts of the country, and may involve more varied applications such as leasing or Chinese-foreign joint ventures. The project will also develop a national energy conservation information dissemination center to gather information and lessons learned on energy efficiency measures and disseminate information on the technical and financial results of these measures, targeting enterprise managers. | GEF/World Bank | Total: $202 million GEF: $22 million IBRD: $63 million | 1998–2004 |
Sichaun Gas Development and Conservation Project | This project is for the rehabilitation of gas transmission and distribution systems to eliminate methane gas losses and improve pipeline network performance. Main components will focus on safety and operational efficiency of the transmission and distribution, and selection of cost-effective measures to reduce gas leakages through a program of environmental upgrades. The associated World Bank project includes a gas pricing reform program that will encourage efficiency and conservation in gas consumption in the future. | GEF/World Bank | Total: $122.7 million GEF: $10 million | 1994–2001 |
China: Efficient Industrial Boilers Project | This project will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by adapting high-efficiency foreign technologies to local conditions for small and medium-sized, coal-fired industrial boilers. To assist the dissemination and effective use of efficient technologies, the project will also strengthen China’s industrial-boiler engineering, operations, production management, and marketing capabilities, and improve boiler technology exchange domestically. As long-term measures for barrier removal, the project will support related technical and policy studies, public awareness/information dissemination, and strengthened environmental standards for the industrial boiler sector. | GEF/World Bank | Total: $101.4 million GEF: $32.8 million | 1996–2001 |
Chongquing Industrial Pollution Control and Reform | This project will combat environmental pollution in Chongqing by integrating environmental protection objectives into economic policies. The project will assist in the development of an integrated economic reform policy by linking industrial pollution control and environmental regulation with industrial enterprise reform, particularly of inefficient state-owned enterprises. This will be achieved by eliminating key sources of pollution in Chonqing’s worst polluting industries, iron and steel, with investments in modern production and energy-efficiency technologies; improving environmental management and enforcement of regulations, as well as restructuring and commercializing local industries through reform initiatives; and reducing greenhouse gas and SO2 emissions through the associated Efficient Industrial Boilers Project. | World Bank | Total: $170 million IBRD: $170 million | 1996–2001 |
Wind Power Development Project | The project’s objective is to support the development of commercial grid-connected, wind-based electricity generation by expanding one existing wind farm in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region and developing new wind farms in Liaoning and Heilongjiang provinces. Its scope will include (a) reviewing the government’s strategies and policies for the development of wind energy resources; (b) developing an appropriate institutional and financial framework for increased investments in wind-based electricity generation projects; and (c) determining the technical, economic, and financial feasibility of the project components. | ADB | Total: $600,000 ADB: $600,000 | 1998–1999 |
China Renewable Energy Project | The project supports the development of 190 MW of wind farms and about 10 MW of solar home systems, plus related technical assistance. The Asian Alternative Energy Program (ASTAE) will assist in the project design and offer technical support in the appraisal and implementation of the project. | GEF/World Bank | Total: $135 million GEF: $135 million | 1999–2004 |
Power Rehabilitation and Environmental Improvement | Following on from the earlier advisory technical assistance project Energy Efficiency and Environmental Improvement Study, this technical assistance will carry out detailed feasibility studies of the first batch of candidate coal-fired power plants identified under the earlier study for possible renovation or retrofit. | ADB | Total: $1 million ADB: $1 million | 1998–1999 |
INDIA | ||||
Alternate Energy Project | The project promotes and commercializes investment in wind farms and solar photovoltaic power systems through the provision of below-market loans to investors in these systems, primarily from the private sector. It popularizes renewable technologies through public education programs that explain their functions and capacity. Implementation is overseen by the Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA), which is benefiting from capacity-building assistance. | GEF/World Bank | Total: $430 million GEF: $26 million | 1993–2000 |
India Energy Conservation Project | As part of the proposed IREDA II Project, this program will establish an energy efficiency service capacity in IREDA to overcome market barriers to energy efficiency services for small and medium-sized enterprises in India. The project component will comprise: (a) technical assistance to IREDA in the provision of energy efficiency services; (b) line of credit to finance energy efficiency demonstration sub-projects; and (c) an energy efficiency awareness campaign. | GEF/World Bank | Total: TBD GEF: $15 million | 1999–TBD |
Solar Thermal-Electric Power Project | The GEF will finance the incremental costs of construction and operation, by the private sector, of a grid-connected, 140 MW solar-thermal/fossil fuel hybrid power plant in Rajasthan, incorporating a parabolic trough solar thermal field of about 35–40 MW. The plant would demonstrate the operational viability of solar trough technology and its use by an independent power producer with commercial sales and delivery arrangements with the grid. | GEF/World Bank | Total: $245 million GEF: $49 million | 1997–2002 |
Coal Bed Methane Recovery and Commercial Utilization | The project supports technical assistance and in-country capacity building for expanded methane recovery and use in the coal mining sector. | GEF/UNDP | Total: $17.3 million GEF: $9.2 million | 1997–2001 |
India Orissa State Power Sector Restructuring | ASTAE assisted in the preparation of a demand-side management (DSM) component in the state’s power sector reform program and is supervising implementation of this component. A DSM cell has been set up within the Grid Corporation of Orissa to facilitate load research and DSM program development. DSM investments include municipal water pumping and storage systems, motor rewinding and motor efficiency programs; load research linked to a proposed metering program; and various DSM investments in the industrial, residential, commercial, and agricultural sectors. | World Bank | Total: $350 million World Bank: $97.0 million | 1996–2003 |
India Andhra Pradesh Power I | This project will support major restructuring and policy reforms in the Andhra Pradesh power sector. ASTAE is assisting in the design of the DSM component comprising technical assistance for DSM and load research. Specific focus will be on improvements in efficiency in the agricultural sector through innovative energy efficiency procurement mechanisms. | World Bank | Total: $576 million World Bank: $210 million | 1999–2003 |
Greenhouse Gas Environmental Pollution Prevention Project (GEP) | The initial phase of the project (1997–1999) focused on two areas: increasing efficiency in coal-fired power plans and cogeneration of power from biogas in the sugar industry. The project is being expanded to include the U.S.–India Climate Change Partnership (comprising a host of technical assistance activities), a program designed to promote alternative fuel vehicles combined with the traffic flow management in New Delhi; and an initiative to evaluate options for GHG abatement via improved urban solid waste management. | USAID | Total: $39 million | 1997–2005 |
India Renewable Energy II | This project is a follow-up to the World Bank’s Renewable Resources Development Project (Cr. 2499-IN) and will expand the small hydro program beyond the southern region to include other states in India. The project will support a new initiative within IREDA to promote and finance energy efficiency, demand side management investments, and foster the development and operation of energy service companies. | World Bank | Total: $300 million World Bank: $170 million | 1999–2009 |
Optimizing Development of Small Hydroelectric Resources in the Hilly Regions | The project promotes the adaptation of advanced technologies of for hydroelectric resources. | UNDP/GEF | Total: $14.6 million GEF: $7.5 million | 1995–2000 |
India Haryana Power II | This ASTAE-assisted project will support major restructuring and policy reforms in the Haryana power sector. Particular focus is expected to be on cogeneration investments and private sector delivery of energy efficiency services. Efficiency improvements on the demand side, including metering systems and DSM programs, will also be included in the investment component. | World Bank | Total: $150 million World Bank: $60 million | 1999–2007 |
Photovoltaic Market Transformation Initiative-PVMTI (Kenya, India, Morocco) | PVMTI will make multiple grant and nongrant investments, estimated to range from $1 million to $5 million, to eligible developing country-based companies or consortia on a competitive basis for the most innovative and promising proposals for large-scale expansion of the market for and use of photovoltaics, especially for rural electrification. It is expected to mobilize significant additional financing for PV development, promotion, and commercialization. | GEF/IFC | Total: $120 million GEF: $30 million | 1998–2010 |
Development of High-Rate Biomethanation Processes as Means of Reducing GHG Emissions | The project seeks to control emissions of methane in India by applying state-of-the-art high-rate biomethanation technology to different waste compositions. | GEF/UNDP | Total: $5.5 million GEF: $5.5 million | 1994–1999 |
MEXICO | ||||
Energy Efficiency Program | The purpose of this program is to promote the marketing of energy efficient electrical equipment (motors, compressors, lighting, etc.) used in the industrial and commercial sectors in Mexico. The program comprises (a) a campaign of cash incentives to stimulate the market for energy-efficient electrical equipment ($28 million), (b) a marketing and market development campaign to surmount the barriers to the widespread use and commercial financing of that equipment ($13.5 million), (c) a study of innovative rate options ($200,000), and (d) a program to monitor the transformation of the market ($500,000). | IDB | Total: $46.8 million IDB: $23.4 million | 1997–2002 |
Mexico Air Quality II | The project will support the Mexican Government’s Air Quality Program (PROAIRE II). The project’s main objectives include strengthening of the air-quality management institutional framework and formulation of an integrated air quality and transport management strategy. In the transportation sector, the project will promote the use of cleaner fuels (e.g., natural gas) and fuel-efficient vehicles. | GEF/World Bank | Total: $130 million World Bank: $70 million GEF: $20 million | 2000–2005 |
ILUMEX (Energy Efficient Lighting Project) | ILUMEX is designed to demonstrate the impact of utility investments in lighting efficiency. The project is implemented at the Federal Electricity Commission and aims at replacing 1.7 million conventional lamps with compact fluorescent lamps in the cities of Monterrey and Guadalajara by 2006. | GEF/World Bank | Total: $23 million World Bank: $10 million GEF: $10 million Government of Norway: $3 million | 1995–2006 |
Leyte/Luzon Geothermal Project | The project addressed the rapidly increasing demand for electrical power using technology that substantially reduces GHG emissions. The National Power Corporation (NPC) components of the project include the interconnection of the electrical power systems of Leyte and Luzon Islands and the strengthening of the environmental and social engineering departments of NPC. The Philippine National Oil Company (PNOC) components of the project include the construction and operation of a 440 MW geothermal electric generation plant under a BOT contract, reinjection of waste gases to further reduce GHG emissions, and connection of the power station to the national grid. | GEF/World Bank | Total: $1.3 billion GEF: $30 million | 1994–1999 |
Metro Manila Air Quality Improvement (Investment Loan) | The loan will support public sector investments for traffic engineering and management, traffic enforcement capacity, training in traffic planning and management, road rehabilitation, ambient air quality monitoring facilities, antismoke-belching programs, capacity building and institutional development, training for air quality management, and consulting services. | ADB | Total: $122.30 million ADB: $61.70 million | 1998–2003 |
Metro Manila Air Quality Improvement (Air Pollution Control Facility) | The Air Pollution Control Facility will assist industries, commercial establishments, and public transport companies in making the investments necessary for the monitoring and reduction of air emissions. It will be used to contribute to the funding of air pollution monitoring equipment for individual or groups of industries, the installation of pollution abatement equipment, or, in the case of the transport sector, investments in the rehabilitation of the public transport fleet. | ADB | Total: $25 million ADB: $25 million | 1998–2002 |
Philippine Climate Change Mitigation Program | This technical assistance program concentrates on activities that promote clean fuel power generation systems, increase energy efficiency, and improve power sector policies, planning, and environmental compliance. The Philippine Department of Energy is the lead agency involved in the program’s implementation. | USAID | Total: $8.9 million | 1998–2001 |