Environmental Technologies Industries
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Market Plans

Mexico Environmental Export Market Plan
5. The Water Sector
Size of PopulationDate of ComplianceDate for Plan Compliance
Larger than 50,000June 1, 1997Jan. 1, 2000
20,001 to 50,000Dec. 31, 1998Jan. 1, 2005
2,501 to 20,000Dec. 31, 1999Jan. 1, 2010
Source: NOM-001-ECOL-1996.
Note: CNA can require earlier compliance on the basis of the impact of the current discharges on the receptor body or if non-heavy metal discharges exceed five times the standard. Source: NOM-001-ECOL-1996. D.A. = Daily Average
M.A. = Monthly Average
Ab. = Absent
N.A. = Not Available
Receptor Body A is defined as rivers used for irrigation.
Receptor Body B is defined as urban rivers and surface bodies used for irrigation.
Receptor Body C is defined as rivers that protect aquatic life.
Note: Above standards vary for coastal waters and direct discharges to agricultural land.
Source: NOM-001-ECOL-1996.
ParameterMonthly AverageDaily AverageInstantaneous
Greased oils (mg/l)5075100
Sedimentary solids (mg/l)57.510
Total arsenic (ml/l)0.50.751
Total cadmium (ml/l)0.50.751
Total cyanide (ml/l)11.52
Total copper (ml/l)101520
Total chromium (ml/l)0.50.751
Total mercury (ml/l)
Total nickel (ml/l)468
Total lead (ml/l)11.52
Total zinc (ml/l)6912
Source: NOM-002-ECOL-1997. Source: CNA.
Table 5.5 Federal Government Participation in Funding Water Infrastructure Projects under APAZU Participation (percent)
Source: Hanhausen & Doménech Consultares, S.C. Source: CNA. Source: Hanhausen & Doménech Consultares, S.C.
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