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Market Research

Water Treatment and Supply in China

Supplying approximately 20% of the world's population with clean and safe drinking water is one of the biggest environmental and development challenges faced by Chinese leaders today. China ranks only hundredth in the world in total water resources. Currently, 400 of China's 600 cities face water shortages and 10% have severe water shortages. China currently consumes 550 billion tons of water per year. The Ministry of Construction estimates that demand for drinking water will grow at a rate of 5% per year and predicts a 30 billion ton shortage by the year 2000.

The lack of potable water is further complicated by China's unprecedented industrial development over the last two decades. Lax enforcement of environmental standards, lack of treatment of industrial effluents and minimal investments in infrastructure has led to severe pollution of what water resources China does possess. Currently, 82% of China's rivers are polluted and only 20% meet the lowest standard five for agricultural use. In Urban areas, 80% of the surface water is contaminated and 78% of Chinese cities have drinking water that is below Chinese standards. Industrial pollution from leaking underground storage tanks and improper disposal of hazardous waste has left 85% of the underground water resources in urban areas also below Chinese drinking water standards. One of the largest sources of drinking water in China, the Huai river, is so heavily polluted that 80% of the water is unfit for drinking.

These grim statistics have prompted an increase in water projects and have created a diverse and growing market for water treatment technologies. This market has many different facets which include municipal water treatment facilities, pretreatment of water to be used in the industrial process and drinking water treatment equipment for the bottled water and home treatment sectors. It is this last sector, home treatment for drinking water and treatment units for bottled water which has tremendous growth potential.

While U.S. producers face competition from both third country competitors and growing domestic production, the severity of the water situation coupled with increased awareness from the domestic population and leaders alike ought to sustain double digit growth of the market over the next few years. Of particular interest is the "three lakes, three rivers" areas which have been given funding priority. This area includes the Huai, Hai and Liao rivers and the Tai, Chao and Dianchi lakes. The projected continued growth of this diverse market presents many opportunities for U.S. companies.


There are many factors influencing the growth and changes in China's water treatment market. They include, but are not exclusive to, changes in environmental regulations, increased enforcement of environmental regulations, priority projects by international lending institutions such as the World Bank and Asian Development Bank, a move to market price water (which will eventually make water projects more financially viable), changes in how water projects are financed (such as the first official BOT water project in Chengdu), and a growing awareness of water pollution which feeds an increasing bottled water and home filter/treatment market in China's more affluent areas.


The current water situation in China has attracted the interest of not only the current Chinese leaders but also the international community. Both the World Bank and Asian Development Bank have said that their lending priorities in China over the next few years will be infrastructure projects, specifically water projects. However, international lending institutions are only able to supply 15% of the needed funding requirements.

All of the officials that were contacted for this study stated that the environmental focus over the next few years would be water projects, specifically in the "three lakes, three rivers" areas. These are the Huai, Hai and Liao rivers and the Tai, Chao, and Dianchi Lakes. Changes in Chinese regulations include a new requirement that every city with a population of over 250,000 is now required to have a water treatment plant. However, no funds were provided with this policy. There has also been increased enforcement of environmental regulations. Late last year in the Huai river area over 1000 businesses were forced to close for non-compliance.

In China's "Trans-Century Green Program", over half the projects outlined are water related. The following is a list of the "priority projects." These represent potential opportunities for American companies and also illustrate the areas that are receiving the most attention. At the time of publication for this report, final approval or funding information was not available.
Huai River 246
RMB 13.7
Liao River 28
RMB 4.5
Hai River 51
RMB 7.7
Songhua River 44
RMB 4.6
Dianchi,Tai & Chao Lakes 35
RMB 7.0


Perhaps the biggest impediment to growth in the Chinese water market has been the lack of market pricing for water. Water prices have been subsidized by the government, and most areas pay only a fraction of the actual costs for water delivery. Lack of a return on investments has made water projects impractical for foreign and domestic investors alike. Moves have been made to correct this and some areas have begun to implement changes in water prices. A current UNDP pilot program is underway to try to address these issues and provide a model of implementation which can then be used throughout China. The official rhetoric is also pushing towards market price water. This is illustrated by increased press reports and stories related to water.

The change to market water prices will potentially provide many opportunities for investment in China's water treatment market. Water prices for all the major Chinese cities were currently unavailable, however, below are some examples:

Sources: Ministry of Construction World Bank Industry Contacts


Official BOT funding schemes in China have been unavailable, although there have been a few projects that are "BOT-like" (Shanghai's Thames Water/Bovis concessions project, to be completed in October of 1998). In February of 1998, the first water treatment BOT pilot-project in Chengdu, Sichuan was opened for bidding. This project is for a water treatment plant with a capacity of 400,000 tons per day, a 400,000 tons per day wastewater treatment plant and an 800,000 tons per day intake project. It also includes 27 km of pipeline. The terms of the contract are 18 years plus 30 months of construction time, after which the plant will be returned to the city of Chengdu. Sources close to the project say that a French company has won the contract with a bid of 0.88RMB/m3.

The first such official BOT Water project raises the hopes that there will be more. While such financing schemes are safer than investment plans with no water pricing reforms or "official" legal structure, they only deliver a fixed rate of return and are not without potential pitfalls. All World Bank water projects now require that local authorities impose water fees and management fees before construction is completed. This is due to problems they have encountered with local governments not collecting the water fees and not maintaining the facility.

Further complicating water investment is a 1995 ruling by Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC) that bans any foreign or foreign invested joint-venture from owning or operating water distribution networks. The foreign invested company thus has to sell the water treated in bulk to the municipal/local government. The local government has little or no incentive to increase the efficiency of distribution or even implement higher water fees to recoup the investment because they are the only buyer in town.


The severity of China's water problem has not escaped the notice of the population. While people will not be taking to the streets any time soon, there is a growing awareness of the water problems in China. This translates into decisions to buy both bottled and mineral water and home reverse osmosis equipment. A 1997 Gallup poll indicated that when asked the question of whether they wished "that there was more done in your community to improve the quality of air and water," 88% of the people nationwide and 98% in the top 10 cities answered affirmatively. While there is still a small portion of the market open to foreign firms (~$250,000 U.S. or ~2-3 million RMB), it may provide a window of opportunity for some U.S. companies. Currently, the mineral water business has over 900 factories in China with an annual output of 1.5 million tons. Almost every small stand on the streets of most Chinese cities has a wide variety of products available. In many of the larger cities residents can buy bottled water in large ~18.9 L bottles for use in home water cooler/boiler units. This water is usually treated by reverse osmosis. The current market price including delivery is $1.8-2.8 U.S. or 15-24 RMB.

Home water treatment units and filter systems are also currently sold in most large department stores in China's major cities. There is also growth in the number of home exhibitions and mega-stores that feature products for the home. The retail price of these units is often more expensive than the retail price in the U.S. As public awareness of environmental pollution grows and disposable income increases in China's cities, this market should continue to increase.


1997 1998(est)1999(est) Growth-next 2 years
Import Market 400486656.135%
Local Production80011341530.935%
Total Market12001620218735%
Imports from U.S.42.463.298.5
Exchange Rate8.38.38.4
Estimated Future7.08.08.0
Last Year's Market Share:
U.S.=~11% Japan=~28% Germany=~15% Taiwan/Korea/France/Italy=~7%
*exact import values for environmental technologies are not available
**estimates for projected Chinese export and local production growth have not been confirmed, since they were only available from Chinese sources

Sources: Environmental Business Journal International, National Trade Data Bank, Ministry of Construction, World Bank, State Environmental Protection Agency, The World Trade Atlas


The equipment with the best sales prospects are those that utilize both new and advanced technology. These include:
-flow meters/hydraulic pressure gauges
-computerized monitoring stems and other water quality monitoring
-large pumps
-aeration equipment
-disinfection equipment
-reverse-osmosis water treatment systems of various sizes
-physical or chemical analyzers or monitors
-valves of various sorts

However, many high-end technologies are often affordable only in large cities. The range of equipment needed for smaller users also includes lower end, high quality equipment.


All of the offices that were contacted for this study expressed an interest in U.S. products and recognized their quality. However, the consistent message was that financing and price were most important. Financing had to be creative, flexible and in many cases provided. The importance of product promotion and technical assistance should not be underestimated.

Many European countries are still supporting their domestic producers with low interest loans and grants for environmental technologies. However, sources contacted commented that while funding helped them win the first contract it didn't necessarily lead to another contract. France and Britain are in the process of curtailing their low interest loan programs in China. However, other countries are just launching them.

In light of this, companies must seek other ways to enhance their entry into the market and increase visibility. Many of the companies that are doing well have found their China "niche." Each area of the country represents a different challenge and entry into the market in one area of China may require a different strategy than in another area.

Adaptability is important. Many medium to small size cities will build water treatment facilities. It is important that the supplier adapt their technology to the different end users and specifics of the China market. Many successful companies have participated in pilot projects, demonstration projects and collaborations with research institutes/consulting firms that are aligned with the local environmental protection agencies or local government. Once initial inroads and contacts are made, many companies find it easier to proceed.

While entering the market as joint-venture partner seemed to be the favored choice of the officials contacted, it is not necessary to be successful. In some instances this may be the quickest way to enter the local market. However, diligence in finding a joint venture partner is essential.

Partial manufacturing was also suggested by some of the officials contacted as a market entry strategy. This has both advantages and drawbacks. The drawbacks can include inability to control the quality of equipment produced due to inconsistencies in materials and/or workmanship, distribution bottlenecks and also the possibility of your production partner producing your technology somewhere else and becoming your competition. As with any business consideration, particularly in China's emerging market, it takes time to understand the current climate in any given region.


Domestic production should also be considered. Currently the domestic water market has 32,000 supply enterprises, 900 of which are share-holding. These enterprises represent over 300 billion RMB in State-owned assets and employ over one million people. Domestic production will continue to increase for a number of reasons. One of these is China's desire to become self-sufficient in the area of environmental technology. Another is that many township and village enterprises are moving into the market because of the opportunities presented by increased funding.

While the number of domestic producers is increasing, the bulk of domestic production is low-end technologies. These products suffer from both material quality and engineering quality problems and cannot compete with foreign producers on high-end equipment such as pumps, valves, and aerators. Monitoring devices and computer systems are only produced in limited numbers. Domestic producers have the advantage of local distribution networks, and links with the local governments. YiXing Industrial Park near Shanghai produces approximately 80% of China's environmental technology. Some foreign firms have been successful in setting up joint ventures with firms in this area.


Many new companies are entering the market backed by low-interest "soft" loans by their governments. To date some of the most successful have been Japanese companies, French companies such as Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux which operates 5 water treatment plants in China, and the British firm Thames Water/Bovis which is currently working on a $70 million project in Shanghai. The governments of Finland, Denmark, Austria, Germany and Canada also provide their domestic firms with low interest loan financial backing.


The U.S. currently represents approximately 11% of the import market. While financing is an important factor in winning contracts, creative approaches are also important. As mentioned previously these include pilot projects, demonstrations, training courses, and/or alignment with a research institute. Equally important is identifying new end-users. The current water situation has prompted many new housing additions and five-star hotels to purchase their own water treatment facilities. These offer opportunities for small to medium sized firms.


A 1996 government report identified the main end-users of environmental equipment in China. They are public authorities (60%), state firms (20%), joint venture industries (10%), and foreign aid recipients. The "three lakes, three rivers" areas, Huai, Hai and Liao rivers and the Tai, Chao and Dianchi lakes are the main focus. Most of the priority projects in China's "Trans-Century Green Report" are in these areas. These projects include both municipal projects and also industrial projects. However, a comprehensive list of approved and funded projects was unavailable at this time.

Municipal End-Users

The services and equipment most needed by local and municipal governments will be the higher technology products such as monitoring systems, pumps, valves, detection devices and aerators. Small to medium size cities will need technologies designed for smaller areas. As BOT's become more common the ability to provide "total water management" will also be important.

Industrial End-Users

More and more industries are finding the water in their area too polluted to use in their manufacturing or aquiculture businesses. Industries affected by this phenomenon are pharmaceuticals, food processing and fish farming. Pharmaceutical industry growth rate is currently at 15%. At this time no statistics were available on the growth rate of fish farming or other aquiculture endeavors. New and newly renovated five star hotels and new housing developments are another potential group of end-users.

Equipment suppliers will find the most receptivity to their quality products among joint-venture and wholly foreign owned companies. While quality of foreign technology and specifically U.S. products is mentioned, the cost differential usually tips the decision in favor of domestically produced products for many domestically funded projects.


Import Climate

Beginning October 1, 1997, China sharply reduced its average tariff rate from 23% to 17%. The Chinese government realizes that they need to import high-tech equipment such as computer monitoring devices, pumps and special aerators. The Chinese government strongly encourages companies to enter into joint ventures.

The market for water treatment equipment should continue to grow. Even though water protection has been made a priority by the Chinese government, the lack of funding is the major factor influencing imports. Soft loans and grants from foreign governments strongly affect Chinese end-users' purchasing decisions. In the future, the amount of money available for water treatment will be influenced by how the current Asian financial crisis and moves to reform state owned enterprises affect China.

Distribution Channels/Business Practices

When setting up your business strategy in China the following are important to consider (taken from the FCS Country Commercial Guide, China 1998):


Foreign companies are not permitted to directly engage in trade in China, with the exception of the direct marketing of a portion of the goods that they manufacture in China. Accordingly, U.S. exporters need to use a domestic Chinese agent for both importing into China and marketing within China. Only those trading companies authorized by the central government to handle exports and imports are permitted to sign import and export trade contracts. Over 10,000 Chinese firms have that authority. Some trading firms have begun to represent foreign manufacturers, in arrangements similar to a "manufacturers representative," but these are still in the minority.

With careful selection, training and constant contact, a U.S. exporter can obtain good market representation from a Chinese trading company, many of which are authorized to deal in a wide range of commodities. Some of the larger companies have offices in the U.S. and other countries around the world, as well as multiple branches in China. However, given transportation and communication difficulties, as well as regional peculiarities, most of these trading companies cannot give diversified coverage throughout China.


In addition to the trading companies, China is witnessing an explosion in local sales agents who handle internal distribution and marketing. These firms do not necessarily have import/export authority. They may be representative offices of Hong Kong or other foreign trading companies, or domestic Chinese firms with regional or partial national networks, under supervision of the Ministry of Internal Trade.

Given China's size and diversity, as well as the lack of agents with wide-reaching abilities, it makes sense to hire several agents to cover different areas, and to be cautious when giving exclusive territories. China can be divided roughly into at least five major regions: the South (Guangzhou), the East (Shanghai), the Beijing-Tianjin region, Central China and the Northeast.

The U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service's (USFCS) Agent/Distributor Service (ADS) program can help U.S. exporters find appropriate sales agents in China. This service may be ordered through any U.S. Department of Commerce district office or U.S. Export Assistance Center. For a fee of $250, USFCS searches for potential agents or distributors for your product in a specific geographical area. Regional ADSs are available from the USFCS offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenyang, and Chengdu, but nation-wide searches are not available. An ADS is an excellent way to gauge interest in your product and begin the process of finding a suitable representative. For more information about USFCS's programs, please call 1-800-USA-TRADE.


Representative offices are the easiest type of offices for foreign firms to set up in China, but these offices are limited by Chinese law to performing "liaison" activities. As such, they cannot sign sales contracts, directly bill customers, or supply parts and after-sales services for a fee, although they may perform after-sales activities that are covered by warranty as part of the original purchase. Despite these limitations, this form of business has proved very successful for many U.S. companies as it allows the business to remain foreign-controlled.

China's Company Law, effective July 1, 1994, permits the opening of branches by foreign companies but, as a policy matter, China still restricts this entry approach to selected banks, insurance companies, accounting and law firms. While representative offices are given a registration certificate, branch offices obtain an actual operating or business license and can engage in profit-making activities.

Establishing a representative office gives a company increased control over a dedicated sales force and permits greater utilization of its specialized technical expertise. The cost of supporting a modest representative office ranges from $250,000 to $500,00 per year, depending on its size and how it is staffed. The largest expenses are rent for office space and housing, and expatriate salaries and benefits.


A locally incorporated equity or cooperative joint venture with one or more Chinese partners, or a wholly foreign-owned enterprise (WFOE), may be the final step in developing markets for a company's products. Domestic production avoids import restrictions -- including relatively high tariffs -- and provides U.S. firms with greater control over both intellectual property and marketing.

The role of the Chinese partner in the success or failure of a joint venture cannot be over-emphasized. A good Chinese partner will have the connections to help smooth over red tape and obstructive bureaucrats; a bad partner, on the other hand, can make even the most promising venture fail. Common investor complaints concern conflicts of interest (e.g., the partner setting up competing businesses), bureaucracy and violations of confidentiality. American companies should bear in mind that joint ventures are time-consuming and resource-demanding, and will involve constant and prudent regulation of critical areas such as finance, personnel and basic operations in order for them to be a success.

Some companies prefer to establish a WFOE rather than a joint venture, with a view to retaining greater management control, due to concerns over intellectual property rights (IPR) protection, desire for simplicity, or for other reasons of corporate policy. The law on WFOEs requires that they either provide advanced technology or be primarily export-oriented, and restricts or prohibits them in a number of service and public utility sectors. However, an increasing number of U.S. companies find WFOEs, which now account for roughly 20% of all foreign-invested enterprises (FIEs), to be a viable entry vehicle to the China market, taking much less time and money to set up than a joint venture.


Technology transfer is another initial market entry approach used by many companies. It offers short-term profits but runs the risk of creating long-term competitors. Due to this concern, as well as intellectual property considerations and the lower technical level prevailing in the China market, some firms attempt to license older technology, promising higher-level access at some future date or in the context of a future joint venture arrangement.

Licensing contracts must be approved by and registered with the MOFTEC. A tax of 10-20% (depending on the technology involved and the existence of an applicable bilateral tax treaty) is withheld on royalty payments.

The best methods for entering in the water sector include:


Companies should thoroughly explore all possible funding avenues including government (both Chinese and U.S.) and multilateral sources. After finding appropriate projects, payment schedules differ according to specific project conditions. Two of the most frequent include:

The Multilateral and Bilateral Lending Programs are very important, they include:

U.S. firms can use the following U.S. government sources:

Export-Import Bank of the United States (Eximbank): Facilitates the export of U.S. goods and services by providing loans, guarantees, and insurance for export sales. The major features of the program include: 1)a new short-term environmental export insurance policy to provide enhanced short-term support for small business exporters, and 2) enhanced medium and long-term support for environmental projects, products, and services.

The Eximbank now accepts guarantees from three Chinese financial institutions: the Bank of China, the People's Construction Bank of China, and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.

Small Business Administration: The program encourages private lenders to make loans of up to $750,000 to borrowers who could not borrow on reasonable terms without government help.


Anhui Environmental Protection Bureau
Department of Environmental Pollution Control
No. 8 Changjiang West Rd.
Hefei, Anhui 230061 China
Tel: 551- 2823102
Fax: 551- 2822745
Contact: Zhang Changying, Deputy Director

Anhui Environmental Protection Bureau
The Department of Management and Administration
85 Changjiang Road
Hefei, Anhui 230061 China
Tel: 551- 265 7677
Fax: 551-267-2380
Contact: Xiang Lei, Engineer-Secretary

Anhui Institute of Environmental Protection Science
10 West Changjiang Road
Hefei, Anhui 230061 China
Tel: 551- 282 6304
Fax: 551-282 6767
Contact: Zhang Zhiyuan, Senior Engineer

Anhui Province Environmental Protection Bureau
Pollution Administrative Department
85 Chang Jiang Road
Hefei, Anhui 230001
Tel: 551-265 7677
Contact: Jin Chuan Sheng, Senior Engineer

Association of China Water Supply (under the Ministry of Construction)
9 Sanlihe Road
Beijing 100835
Tel: 010 6839 3160
Contact: Secretary General Mr. Xiao Shaoyong

Asian Development Bank (ADB)Lisa Lumbao, ADB Liaison Manila
Add: P.O. Box 789, Manilla, Phillippines 1099
Tel: 00632-890-9364, 895-3020
Fax: 00632-890-9713

Chengdu Construction Commission
Foreign Investment Division
3/f Jianshe Daxia, Dongchenggeng Jie
Chengdu, Sichuan 610015
Tel: 028 669 3867
Fax: 028 663 4684
Contact: Ms. Yin Xuefang, Director

China Bridge of Trust Infrastructure Investment Consulting Company
(BOT projects under the State Planning Commission)
International Department
Rm. 564, Poli Plaza Beijing
Tel: 010 65958496
Fax: 010 65958495
Contact: Ms. Liu Yanwen

Mr. Frank Chong
General Manager
GNT International Inc.
88 Anwaida Rd. #709
Beijing, China 100011
Tel: 64285501
Fax: 64285500
Email: gnt@public3.bta.net.cn

CITIC Taifu Group (Hong Kong)
Business Department
Tel: 00852 28202111
Fax: 00852 28772771
Contact: Lester Kong/ Simon Lee

Export-Import Bank of the United States
811 Vermont Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20571
U.S. Toll Free: (800) 565-EXIM
World-wide: (202) 565-3946
Fax: (202) 565-3380

Environmental Protection Bureau of Zhuhai City
1 Xin Guang Li, Xiangzhou District
Zhuhai 519000
Tel: (86-756) 221-8741, 221-8748
Fax: (86-756) 221-8745
Contact: Mr. Wu Jintian, Deputy General Director

Environmental Protection Bureau of Foshan City
12 Dong Xia Rd., Foshan 528000
Tel:(86-757) 335-1056, 335-1562
Fax:(86-757) 336-7723
Contact: Mr. He Xingteng, General Director

Environmental Protection Bureau of Yunfu City
He Di Rd., Yunfu City
Tel:(86-766) 886-1928, 882-2643
Fax:(86-766) 886-1620
Contact: Mr. Ye Guiwen, General Director

Environmental Protection Agency of Shunde City
9 Yun Liang Rd., Daliang Town, Shunde City
Tel:(86-765) 228-7235
Fax:(86-765) 228-8598
Contact: Ms. Mo Xiurong, Deputy General Director

Environmental Protection Bureau of Nanhai City
Nan Xin San Rd., Guicheng Town, Nanhai City
Tel:(86-757) 633-7370, 632-0128
Fax:(86-757) 632-0128
Contact: Mr. Xu Zhiwen, General Director

Environmental Protection Bureau of Gaozhou City
38 Dong Sheng Lane, Gaozhou City
Tel:(86-668) 666-3400, 666-3116
Fax:(86-668) 666-6087
Contact: Mr. Che Guode, General Director

Environmental Protection Bureau of Yuexiu District Municipal Government
2/F, 321 Dong Feng Rd., C., Guangzhou 510030
Tel:(86-20) 8336-4067
Fax:(86-20) 8336-4067
Contact: Ms. He Shaozhen, General Director
Mr. Liu Nianhe, Inspector

Environmental Protection Bureau of Dongshan District Municipal Government
17 Xin Nan Rd., Zhusigang,Dongshan District, Guangzhou 510080
Tel:(86-20) 8775-5470
Fax:(86-20) 8775-5470
Contact: Mr. Rong Baocheng, Deputy Director

Environmental Protection Bureau of Fangcun District Municipal Government
92 Fang Cun Da Dao, Guangzhou 510360
Tel:(86-20) 8189-9337, 8189-3670
Fax:(86-20) 8157-6061
Contact: Mr. Jiang Yuanwang, Director

Environmental Protection Bureau of Huangpu District Municipal Government
69 Da Sha Rd., E., Huangpu, Guangzhou 510700
Tel:(86-20) 8227-9225
Contact: Mr. Zhan Zhugen, Director

Environmental Protection Bureau of Tianhe District Municipal Government
77 Shi Pai Rd., E.,Tianhe District, Guangzhou 510620
Tel:(86-20) 8750-7660
Fax:(86-20) 8750-7660
Contact: Ms. Fu Xiaofang, Deputy Director

Environmental Protection Bureau of Baiyun District Municipal Government
37 Zheng Tong Rd., Guang Yuan Rd., C., Guangzhou 510405
Tel:(86-20) 8659-8530
Fax:(86-20) 8659-8523
Contact: Mr. Mo Guoxian, Deputy Director

Environmental Protection Bureau of Zengcheng District Municipal Government
61 Ji Nan No. 1 Lane, Licheng Town, Zengcheng City, Guangdong
Tel:(86-20) 8275-2836, 8275-4899
Contact: Mr. Zhang Jinkai, General Director

Environmental Protection Bureau of Conghua District Municipal Government
1 Qing Yun Rd., Jiekou Town, Conghua City, Guangdong 510900
Tel:(86-20) 8793-0307
Fax:(86-20) 8793-0307
Contact: Mr. Zeng Fanzhou, Director

Environmental Protection Bureau of Panyu District Municipal Government
7 DeSheng Rd., Shiqiao Town, Guangdong 511400
Tel:(86-20) 8488-9880
Fax:(86-20) 8481-6028
Contact: Mr. Wu Zhiying, General Director

Environmental Trade Specialist International Trade Administration
Environmental Technologies Exports
U.S. Department of Commerce
HCHB Room 1003, Washington, D.C. 20230
Tel: 202-482-0343
Fax: 202-482-5665
Contact: Eric Fredell

No.1 Andingmen Dongdajie
Beijing China 100007
Tel: 010-6405 2281
Fax: 010-6400-1199
Email: ermchina@iuol.cn.net

Mr. Fan Maogong
Chief Engineer
China Aviation Environmental Protective Facilities Engineering Co., LTD
12 Dewai St.
Beijing, China 100011
Tel: 010-6201-6633
Fax: 010-6203-3006

Guangdong Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau
8/F, 335 Dong Feng Rd., C., Guangzhou 510045
Tel:(86-20) 8313-4669, 8334-8381, 8313-4657
Fax:(86-20) 8334-8381
Contact: Mr. Wang Yingkun, General Director
Mr. Zhou Quan, Vice Director
Ms. Liang Huirong, Section Chief

Guangdong Province Environmental Protection Monitoring Center
335 Dong Feng Rd., Guangzhou 510030
Tel:(86-20) 8334-5342, 8334-5739
Fax:(86-20) 8334-2085
Contact: Mr. Lu Zhenbang, Deputy General Director

Guangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau
Fu Qian Rd., Guangzhou 510032
Tel:(86-20) 8312-5181, 8312-5087, 8312-5088
Fax:(86-20) 8334-3709
Contact: Mr. Gan Haizhang, General Director
Mr. Xiao Hanchi, Director & Engineer
Ms. Hu Shanyu, Deputy Section Chief

Guangzhou Environmental Protection Technology & Equipment Company
301 De Zheng Rd., C., Guangzhou 510030
Tel:(86-20) 8333-8884, 8331-5411 ext. 8811
Fax:(86-30) 8333-8884
Contact: Mr. Gao Yulin, Manager & Engineer
Mr. Peng Lianyao, Vice Manager

Guanxi Light Industry General Commission
49 Jian Zheng Rd.
Nanning 530023, Guanxi PRC
Tel: 771-562-3654
Fax: 771-562-4573
Contact: Mr. GUI Laiwang, Vice President

Mr. Li Yang, President
China International Trust & Investment Corp.
No. A-1. Dongbinhelu, Youanmenwai, Beijing 100054
Tel:86-10-6353 7212
Fax:86-10-6353 8963

Lu Min
General Manager
Asia America Consultants Inc.
ShunYi ShuangYu
Xiaoqu 6#6-6
Beijing 101300
Tel: 69497100
Fax: 69497096

Ministry of Water Resources
Department of International Cooperation
2 Baiguanglu Ertiao
Beijing 100053
Contact: Mme Meng Zhimin, Deputy Director General

Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund (OECF)
Nahiro Kitano/Tsutomo Uchida
OECF Beijing Office
China World Trade Center, 12F #15, 1 Jianguomen Wai,Beijing,
Tel: 0086-10-6505-1196/1197
Fax: 0086-10-6505-1198

Mr. Qui Hanzhang
Former Senior Engineer of Guanxi EPB
Director of China Environmental Protection Industry, Assn.
Tel: 771-585-3175
Fax: 771-585-9619

Ms. Sun Chong Wu
Environmental Specialist, World Bank
8 Zhaoyang Beidajie, Dongcheng District, 9th floor Building A,
Fuha Mansion, Beijing, China 100027
Tel: 0086-10-6502 3361
Fax: 0086-10-6502 1686

Shanghai Waterworks Co.
Tel: 021 63215577
Fax: 021 63217725
President: Mr. Xu Yinpin

Tianjin Municiple Public Utilities Bureau
Foreign Economic Division
Tel: 022 3730 1574
Fax: 022 3731 6766
Contact: Mme Cui Yujin

United Nations Development Programme
Yannick Glemarec / Goerild Heggelund
2 Liangmahe Nanlu, Beijing 100600, China
Tel: 0086-10-6532-3731
Fax: 0086-10-6532-2567

Mr. Wang Yining, Vice President
China National Environmental Protection Corp.
No. 33, Qihelou Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100006
Tel: 0086-10-6512 0099 / 6512 0123
Fax: 0086-10-6512 0033

World Bank
China and Mongolia Department
Environmental and Urban Development Operations Unit (EA2EU)
1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20433
Tel: 202-458-4077
Fax: 202-522-1787

Mr. Wu Sanjiang, Deputy Director
International Cooperation Department
China Association of Environmental Protection Industry(CAEPI)
9 Sanlihe Road, Beijing 100835
Tel: 0086-10-6839 3827
Fax: 0086-10-6839 3748

Xioa Houming
Senior Engineer, Vice General Manager
Rm. 121, no. 2 Tianxiangyuan
Tianzhu Garden Shunyixian
Beijing 101312
Tel: 6456 9067
Fax: 6456 9077

Xinhui County Environmental Protection Bureau
Xinhui, Guangdong 529100
Tel:(86-750) 663-2274
Fax:(86-750) 663-0028
Contact: Mr. Mai Zhaoqi, General Director

Yingde County Environmental Protection Bureau
Yingde County, Guangdong 513000
Tel:(86-763) 222-2755
Contact: Mr. Lin Jiaju, Director

Ms. Zhang Shuqin, Engineer
China Aviation Environmental Protective Facilities Engineering Co., Ltd.
12, Dewai St., Beijing 100011
Tel: 0086-10-6201 6633 x 633
Fax: 0086-10-6203 3006

Mr. Zhong Xiaodong, Program Officer
Department of International Cooperation
National Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA)
115 Xizhimennei Nanxiaojie, Beijing, China 100035
Tel: 0086-10-6615 3366 Ext. 5056
Fax: 0086-10-6615 1762

Pollution Engineering (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.
301 De Zheng Road C., Guangzhou 510030, China
Tel:(86-20) 8385-4653, 8385-4737
Fax:(86-20) 8333-8884
Contact: Mr. Huang Xiaoping, General Manager

Environmental Protection Industry & Commerce (ED) Head Co.
260 Hai Zhu Rd., N., Guangzhou 510180
Tel:(86-20) 8336-6880
Fax:(86-20) 8336-6879
Contact: Ms. Tang Xiaoling, Office Manager

Guangdong Environmental Engineering & Equipment General Corp.
237 Guang Fu Rd. C., Guangzhou 510140
Tel:(86-20) 8185-3070
Fax:(86-20) 8185-3077
Contact: Mr. Ou Yuezhou, Vice General Manager
Mr. Zhang Jianming, Vice General Manager

Asia-Pacific (Guangzhou) Environment High-Tech Ltd. Co.
Guangzhou Dao Dao S., Guangzhou 510300
Tel:(86-20) 8422-9165
Fax:(86-20) 8422-9152
Contact: Mr. Li Kangmin, Deputy General Manager

Guangzhou Environmental Protection Energy Development Ltd. Co.
301 De Zheng Rd. C., Guangzhou 5110030
Tel:(86-20) 8331-5411 ext. 8817, 8384-4736
Fax:(86-20) 8333-8884
Contact: Mr. Zhou Hanrong, Senior Engineer

Guangzhou Haizhu District Shenglong Environmental Protection Equipment Factory
Haizhu District, Guangzhou 510310
Tel:(86-20) 8449-2446
Contact: Mr. Chen Quan, Manager

Zhuhai Lante Science and Technology Development Co.
Nankeng Industry Zone, Xiangzhou District Zhuhai, Guangdong
Tel:(86-756) 226-2765
Fax:(86-756) 223-7708
Contact: Mr. Lai Haijia, Manager

Guangzhou Baiyun District Environmental Protection Service Co.
89 Huang Shi Rd. W., Guangzhou 510010
Tel:(86-20) 8650-7691
Contact: Mr. Lin Tinsheng, Manager

Guangzhou Yidi Pengyao Environmental Protection Co. Ltd.
Rm. 1308 13/F, Jingying Bldg., Jiao Chang Rd. N., Guangzhou
Tel:(86-20) 8381-1888 ext. 1308, 8380-4320
Fax:(86-20) 8380-4320
Contact: Mr. Huang Weiquan, Sales Manager

Guangzhou Yijiayi Environmental Protection Technology Development Co., Ltd.
Rm. 610 109 Liuhua Rd., Guangzhou
Tel:(86-20) 8668-2370
Contact: Mr. Chen Zhanhong

Guangdong Environmental Engineering Equipment Corp., Nanhai City Branch Co.
Nanxin 3rd. Rd., Guicheng District, Nanhai City, Guangdong 528200
Tel:(86-757) 633-6710
Contact: Mr. Liang Chaoxian, General Director

Foshan Pump Factory
14 He Bin Rd., Foshan, Guangdong 528000
Tel:(86-757) 281-6081 ext. 3028, 281-8421, 281-9544
Fax:(86-757) 282-2323
Contact: Mr. Miao Xingwang, Sales Dept.

Chaozhou City Environmental Protection Equipment Industrial Co.
23 Huan Cheng Rd. W., Xiangqiao District, Chaozhou City,
Guangdong 521000
Tel:(86-768) 226-1623
Contact: Mr. Huang Hankun
ISA Customer Satisfaction Survey
U.S. Department of Commerce
International Trade Administration
The Commercial Service

The U.S. Department of Commerce would appreciate input from U.S. businesses that have used this ISA report in conducting export market research. Please take a few moments to complete the attached survey and fax it to 202/482-0973, mail it to QAS, Rm. 2002, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230, or Email: Opfer@doc.gov.
* * * About Our Service * * *

1. Country covered by report: _______________________________
Commerce domestic office that assisted you (if applicable):

2. How did you find out about the ISA service?
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__Recommended by another firm
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__Trade press
__State/private newsletter
__Department of Commerce newsletter
__Other (specify): _______________________________

3. Please indicate the extent to which your objectives were satisfied:
1-Very satisfied 2-Satisfied 3-Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 4-Dissatisfied 5-Very dissatisfied
6-Not applicable
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4. In your opinion, did using the ISA service facilitate any of the following?
__Decided to enter or increase presence in market
__Developed an export marketing plan
__Added to knowledge of country/industry
__Corroborated market data from other sources
__Decided to bypass or reduce presence in market
__Other (specify): _______________________________

5. How likely would you be to use the ISA service again?
__Definitely would
__Probably would
__Probably would not
__Definitely would not

6. Comments: _____________________________________________________________________
* * * About Your Firm * * *

1. Number of employees: __1-99 __100-249 __250-499 __500-999 __1,000+

2. Location (abbreviation of your state only):______

3. Business activity (check one):
__Agent, broker, manufacturer's representative
__Export management or trading company
__Other (specify):_______________________________

4. Export shipments over the past 12 months:
__0-1 __2-12 __13-50 __51-99 __100+

May we call you about your experience with the ISA service?
Company name: _______________________________________________
Contact name: _______________________________________________
Phone: ______________________________________________________

Thank you--we value your input!

This report is authorized by law (15 U.S.C. 1512 et seq., 15 U.S.C. 171 et seq.). While you are not required to respond, your cooperation is needed to make the results of this evaluation comprehensive, accurate, and timely. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average ten minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing the burden, to Reports Clearance Officer, International Trade Administration, Rm. 4001, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230, and to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0625-0217), Washington, D.C. 20503.


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