The products covered by this investigation are MSG, whether or not blended or in solution with
other products. Specifically, MSG that has been blended or is in solution with other product(s) is
included in this scope when the resulting mix contains 15% or more of MSG by dry weight.
Products with which MSG may be blended include, but are not limited to, salts, sugars, starches,
maltodextrins, and various seasonings. Further, MSG is included in this investigation regardless
of physical form (including, but not limited to, in monohydrate or anhydrous form, or as substrates,
solutions, dry powders of any particle size, or unfinished forms such as MSG slurry), end-use
application, or packaging.
MSG in monohydrate form has a molecular formula of C5H8NO8Na-H2O, a Chemical Abstract
Service (CAS) registry number of 6106-04-3, and a Unique Ingredient Identifier (UNII) number of
W81N5U6R6U. MSG in anhydrous form has a molecular formula of C5H8NO4Na, a CAS registry
number of l42-47-2, and a UNII number of C3C196L9FG.
Merchandise covered by the scope of this investigation is currently classified in the Harmonized
Tariff Schedule (HTS) of the United States at subheading 2922.42.10.00. Merchandise subject to
the investigation may also enter under HTS subheadings 2922.42.50.00, 2103.90.72.00,
2103.90.74.00, 2103.90.78.00, 2103.90.80.00, and 2103.90.90.91. The tariff classifications, CAS
registry numbers, and UNII numbers are provided for convenience and customs purposes;
however, the written description of the scope is dispositive. |