Organization Information:

Epic Advertising
512 7th Ave, 12th Floor
New York, New York - NY 10018
Phone: 646 943 7226
Fax: 888 666 3120
Contact Information:

Contact Office: Epic Advertising
Contact Name: Anwesa Paul, Privacy Officer
Phone: 646 943 7226 Fax: 888 666 3120 Email:

Corporate Officer Information:

Corporate Officer: David Graff, General Counsel & Chief Compliance Offic
Phone: 646 943 7188 Fax: 888 666 3120 Email:

Safe Harbor Information:

Signed up to safe harbor 06/18/2008 02:27:10 PM
Next certification 06/18/2010
EU/EEA Countries From Which Personal Information Is Received: France, Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom
Industry Sector: Advertising Services - (ADV) Information Services - (INF)
Personal Information Received From the EU: Epic Ads is a performance based online marketing company that works with advertisers and publishers (affiliates) to deliver search engine optimization services, display advertising, and email advertising.
Most of the data collection occurs through an advertiser's website (the landing page) and Epic does not control that data. At most, Epic is an onward transfer point for such data. This data may contain PII.
In some special instances, Epic acts as both the advertiser and the publisher. On the landing pages that are hosted by Epic, we may be collecting PII. On those pages, we post our privacy policies and make sure that there is proper choice and consent.
In anticipation of our expanded reach to the EU, we plan to apply higher standards to IP addresses that are identified as belonging to an EU member country. For this data, we plan to follow the EU guidelines and expect that our advertisers do the same. As stated earlier, since we are mostly an onward transfer point, not a data controller, our reach is limited. Regardless, on our end, any EU data we receive will be segregated, with tougher access controls, server security, encryption, etc.
Privacy Policy Effective: June 10, 2008
Regulated by: Federal Trade Commission
Privacy Programs: None
Verification: In house
Dispute Resolution: American Arbitration Association Dispute Resolution Program
Personal Data Covered: online
Human Resource Data Covered: No

Do you agree to cooperate and comply with the European Data Protection Authorities? Yes

Certification Status: Current
Compliance Status:

Safe Harbor Overview | Safe Harbor Documents | Workbook | Safe Harbor List
Information Required for Certification | Certification Form