Organization Information:

Net Applications
65 Enterprise
Aliso Viejo, California 92656
Phone: 949-330-7910
Fax: 949-330-7911
Contact Information:

Contact Office: Net Applications
Contact Name: Vincent Vizzaccaro, EVP
Phone: 248-650-5270 Fax: 949-625-7165 Email:

Corporate Officer Information:

Corporate Officer: Vincent Vizzaccaro, EVP
Phone: 248-650-5270 Fax: 949-625-7165 Email:

Safe Harbor Information:

Signed up to safe harbor 06/19/2007 01:01:08 PM
Next certification 06/19/2008
EU/EEA Countries From Which Personal Information Is Received: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom
Industry Sector: Information Services - (INF) Computer Software - (CSF)
Personal Information Received From the EU: Net Applications collects information from the European Union via our customers and website visitors who reside in the EU and from Partner organizations based within the EU. Our customer and Partner data is held in secure facilities, and is not shared with any outside parties. The website visitor data we collect is anonymous and aggregated.
Any communications from Net Applications to its customers and Partners is done so only on an opt-in basis.
Privacy Policy Effective: June 1, 1999
Regulated by: Federal Trade Commission
Privacy Programs: TRUSTe
Verification: In-house
Dispute Resolution: EU Data Protection Authorities
Personal Data Covered: off-line, on-line, manual and HR data
Human Resource Data Covered: Yes

Do you agree to cooperate and comply with the European Data Protection Authorities? Yes

Certification Status: Not Current
Compliance Status:

Safe Harbor Overview | Safe Harbor Documents | Workbook | Safe Harbor List
Information Required for Certification | Certification Form