Organization Information:

Talent Plus, Inc.
One Talent Plus Way
Lincoln, Nebraska 68506-5987
Phone: 402.489.2000
Fax: 402.328.9747
Contact Information:

Contact Office: Technology
Contact Name: Mike Smith, Technology Chair
Phone: 402.489.2000 Fax: 402.328.9747 Email:

Corporate Officer Information:

Corporate Officer: Kimberly Rath, President/Managing Director
Phone: 402.489.2000 Fax: 402.489.4156 Email:

Safe Harbor Information:

Signed up to safe harbor 12/28/2004 06:26:45 PM
Next certification 12/28/2008
EU/EEA Countries From Which Personal Information Is Received: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom
Industry Sector: Management Consulting Services - (MCS)
Personal Information Received From the EU: Talent Plus provides consulting services including data consolidation and analysis for its clients throughout the world. Talent Plus enters into agreements with its clients and provides secure web based access to its TalentBank® application to facilitate data collection and analysis based on question and answer scenarios. The users of the TalentBank application conduct a series of interviews to third party participants to determine their most pervasive characteristics and align them with current and future employment opportunities. The interviewees responses may or may not be captured holistically by the interviewer, however, a coded score is ultimately assigned to each of the roughly 70 questions. The data entry process is manual and may include questions regarding skills, job experiences, unique employee ids, home and work contact information, current employer information, and reasons for considering new employment opportunities.
Privacy Policy Effective: 11/01/04
Regulated by: Federal Trade Commission
Privacy Programs: American Arbitration Association; EU Data Protection Authorities for Human Resources Data Only
Verification: In-house
Dispute Resolution: EU DPAs
Personal Data Covered: Manually Proccessed, Human Resources
Human Resource Data Covered: Yes

Do you agree to cooperate and comply with the European Data Protection Authorities? Yes

Certification Status: Not Current
Compliance Status:

Safe Harbor Overview | Safe Harbor Documents | Workbook | Safe Harbor List
Information Required for Certification | Certification Form