Organization Information:

200 East Randolph Drive, 63rd Floor
Chicago, Illinois 60601
Phone: 312-240-3000
Fax: 312-240-2900
Contact Information:

Contact Office: Corporate Chicago
Contact Name: John Edelman, Managing Director,Global Human Resources
Phone: 312-240-2626 Fax: 312-240-0091 Email:

Corporate Officer Information:

Corporate Officer: John Edelman, Managing Director,Global Human Resources
Phone: 312-240-2626 Fax: 312-240-0091 Email:

Safe Harbor Information:

Signed up to safe harbor 09/11/2002 02:32:48 PM
Next certification 09/11/2007
EU/EEA Countries From Which Personal Information Is Received: Ireland, Italy, Belgium, France, Spain, Germany, Sweden, United Kingdom
Industry Sector: Telecommunications Services - (TES)
Personal Information Received From the EU: In collecting, maintaining, and disclosing personnel information, Edelman Public Relations Worldwide ("Edelman") adheres to the privacy principles outlined in the Department of Commerce's Safe Harbor Framework. In doing so, Edelman makes every effort to protect employees' privacy rights and interests and prevent inappropriate or unnecessary disclosures of information from any worker's file or record.
While complying with its governmental reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Edelman strives to ensure that it handles all personal and job-related information about employees in a secure, confidential, and appropriate fashion in accordance with the principles and procedures outlined below.
Confidentiality of information. Edelman treats personal information about employees as confidential and respects the need for protecting each employee?s privacy by enforcing secure information handling procedures on the part of all personnel whose job duties involve gathering, retaining, using, or releasing personal information about the organization's employees.
Data Integrity. Edelman collects and retains only such personal information needed to effectively conduct business and administer its employment and benefit programs. Edelman takes all possible steps to make sure that all personal and job-related information about employees is accurate, complete, and relevant for its intended purpose.
Security. All paper-based documents relating to Edelman's personnel record system are kept in secure, locked files in the Corporate Human Resource Department. These files are accessible only to authorized Human Resource Department staffers and executives, managers, and supervisors who have a valid, demonstrable need to obtain specific information from an employee's personnel record. Employees also are granted access to their personnel files and records in accordance with the access procedures outlined below. All personnel files and records must remain in the Corporate Human Resources Department at all times.
All medical information relating to an employee is kept in the separate Medical Records System files maintained by the Corporate Human Resource Department. Access to these medical files is tightly controlled. Ordinarily, medical information about an employee is supplied only to the worker's designated physician in accordance with the worker?s written specific request.
Additionally, printing from or accessing Edelman's Personnel database by anyone other than the Human Resource or Payroll departments can only be authorized by the Director of Human Resources. The MIS Department has authorized access to maintain or modify personnel or payroll programs as requested by Human Resources or Payroll.
Onward Transfer: Disclosure or release of employee information to government agencies. On occasion, Edelman must provide information and data from its personnel records and files to federal, state, and local government agencies in accordance with recordkeeping and reporting requirements imposed by such agencies. In instances where a government agency requests information beyond that which it normally requires, Edelman ordinarily advises the affected employees of the agency's information request.
If, however, an agency's information request occurs in the course of an agency investigation or if an agency asks Edelman to keep such a request confidential, Edelman, in its discretion, can comply with the agency's request. Edelman ordinarily honors subpoenas demanding production of information with respect to any employee, but usually advises an employee of the subpoena and nature of the information requested, unless otherwise prohibited by law.
Onward Transfer & Choice: Disclosure or release of employee information to nongovernmental entities. In response to an information request from an outside organization, individual, or other nongovernmental entity, Edelman normally verifies only the employment status and dates of employment for former or present employees. Edelman does not provide any other information unless and until it has received from the worker or former employee a written request that it disclose or confirm additional specific information.
Access. All employees can review the information contained in their own personnel file, although Edelman reserves the right to remove certain sensitive documents, including letters of reference and management planning documents such as succession or promotion plans. Employees who are interested in reviewing the contents of their personnel file should contact the Corporate Human Resource Department and provide at least two days' notice of their desire to schedule a mutually convenient time for an appointment.
Verification. At least once a year, an Edelman corporate officer or other authorized representative of the organization shall verify and sign a statement confirming that Edelman's Data Protection policy is accurate, comprehensive, prominently displayed, completely implemented and accessible. The aforementioned statement will also indicate that Edelman's Data Protection policy conforms to the Department of Commerce's Safe Harbor Principles.
Cooperation with European Union Data Protection Authorities. As is required by the Department of Commerce?s Safe Harbor Framework, Edelman commits to cooperate in investigations by, and comply with, the advice of competent European Union authorities relating to breaches of the European Union's Data Protection Directive.
Privacy Policy Effective: 9/1/02
Location: Company Intranet & Personnel Policy Manual
Regulated by: Federal Trade Commission
Privacy Programs: N/A
Verification: In-house
Dispute Resolution: European Union Data Protection Authorities
Personal Data Covered: Human Resources Data, on-line, off-line, and manually processed data
Human Resource Data Covered: Yes

Do you agree to cooperate and comply with the European Data Protection Authorities? Yes

Certification Status: Current
Compliance Status:

Safe Harbor Overview | Safe Harbor Documents | Workbook | Safe Harbor List
Information Required for Certification | Certification Form