Information Services - (INF)
OrganizationDate of Certification
374Solutionary, Inc.07/02/2007 10:29:10 AM
375Spoke Software08/29/2004 10:51:55 PM
376Sports Systems Services, Inc.05/07/2009 02:32:49 PM
377Sprintserve Net LLC08/14/2009 04:22:15 PM
378SRA International12/18/2007 10:06:14 AM
379StarCite Inc.08/14/2008 01:46:52 PM
380StarCompliance, LLC07/02/2004 11:10:12 AM
381STATS LLC06/26/2009 04:43:38 PM
382Steele International, Inc. d/b/a The Steele Foundation11/06/2008 04:20:43 PM
383Sterling Commerce, Inc and Sterling Commerce (America), Inc.08/03/2006 01:33:25 PM
384Straightline International05/21/2004 01:55:44 PM
385Strands Labs, Inc.09/01/2009 03:49:15 PM
386Strategic Information Resources09/25/2008 03:23:54 PM
387Stroz Friedberg02/13/2008 04:40:17 PM
388Subjective Metrics, Inc.12/17/2007 09:25:09 AM
389SuccessFactors, Inc.01/10/2005 05:46:28 PM
390Superglued, LLC11/25/2008 03:38:22 PM
391Surebridge, Inc.12/30/2002 11:33:14 AM
392Survey Sampling International08/11/2008 11:46:01 AM, LLC11/29/2004 02:29:37 PM
394SurveyShare, Inc.05/18/2007 10:27:41 AM
395Swailes & Company, Inc.05/25/2007 02:37:23 PM
396SWN Communications Inc.12/12/2005 04:18:08 PM
397SYKES Enterprises Incorporated11/19/2008 02:43:31 PM
398Synovate, Inc.04/01/2005 08:05:59 PM
399Syrus Global03/27/2007 10:07:24 AM
400Target Email Direct08/27/2002 10:09:49 AM
401TechLaw Solutions, Inc.11/25/2008 01:24:17 PM
402Technology Concepts & Design, Inc.11/15/2007 11:10:23 AM
403TechTeam Global, Inc.05/03/2005 03:55:54 PM