Organization Information:

Initiate Systems, Inc.
200 W. Madison, Suite 2300
Chicago, Illinois 60606
Phone: (312) 759-5030
Fax: (312) 759-5026
Contact Information:

Contact Office: Initiate Systems, Inc. (Chicago Office)
Phone: (312) 759-5030 Fax: (312) 759-5026 Email:

Corporate Officer Information:

Corporate Officer: Jeffrey A. Galowich, Executive Vice President
Phone: (312) 759-5030 Fax: (312) 759-5026 Email:

Safe Harbor Information:

Signed up to safe harbor 06/29/2005 08:28:31 PM
Next certification 06/29/2009
EU/EEA Countries From Which Personal Information Is Received: None, France, Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom
Industry Sector: Computer Software - (CSF) Health Care Services - (HCS) Financial Services - (FNS)
Personal Information Received From the EU: With respect to personal information received from the EU, Initiate Systems, Inc. provides customer data integration (CDI) software and related support services to help companies manage their data more efficiently. Initiate's CDI software will, for example, enable Initiate customers to eliminate duplicative records relating to a single individual. On some occasions, Initiate receives information transferred from the EU to the U.S. as a processor on behalf when it is providing support services to its customers. This mainly occurs when Initiate Systems' customers are initially setting up or testing the CDI software. In this situation, Initiate does not own or control the personal information. Rather, such information is owned and controlled by Initiate's customers. In addition, Initiate transfers its own human resources data from the EU to the US. In this situation, Initiate owns and controls such personal information.
Privacy Policy Effective: March 7, 2007
Regulated by: Federal Trade Commission
Privacy Programs: None.
Verification: In-house
Dispute Resolution: Initiate Systems, Inc. is committed to cooperating with Data Protection Authorities located in the European Union or their authorized representatives.
Personal Data Covered: On-Line, Off-Line and Manually Processed
Human Resource Data Covered: Yes

Do you agree to cooperate and comply with the European Data Protection Authorities? Yes

Certification Status: Not Current
Compliance Status:

Safe Harbor Overview | Safe Harbor Documents | Workbook | Safe Harbor List
Information Required for Certification | Certification Form