Organization Information:

1823 York Rd.
Timonium, Maryland 21093
Phone: 410-561-1500
Fax: 410-561-0805
Contact Information:

Contact Office: MMI
Contact Name: Customer Service/Privacy,
Phone: 410-561-1500 Fax: 410-451-0805 Email:

Corporate Officer Information:

Corporate Officer: Ms. Pat Ropp, Executive VP
Phone: 410-561-1500 Fax: 410-561-0805 Email:

Safe Harbor Information:

Signed up to safe harbor 07/26/2004 11:12:11 AM
Next certification 07/26/2006
EU/EEA Countries From Which Personal Information Is Received: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom
Industry Sector: Computer Services - (CSV)
Personal Information Received From the EU: MMI is a data processing service provider that provides services to corporate customers, and manages their customer data on their behalf. MMI does not own or control the information it processes; all data information is owned and/or controlled by MMI's customers. These companies provide written instruction to MMI for data processing. MMI provides delivery of personalized email messages for its customers. MMI works only with customrs who maintain strict prvacy guidelines.
Privacy Policy Effective: January 1, 2000
Regulated by: Federal Trade Commission
Privacy Programs: Direct Marketing Association
Verification: In-house
Dispute Resolution: Direct Marketing Association's Safe Harbor Progam
Personal Data Covered: On-Line, Off-Line, Manually Processed
Human Resource Data Covered: No

Do you agree to cooperate and comply with the European Data Protection Authorities? No

Certification Status: Not Current
Compliance Status:

Safe Harbor Overview | Safe Harbor Documents | Workbook | Safe Harbor List
Information Required for Certification | Certification Form